New Player Questions

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  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    It's been that way basically forever. There have been the occasional tweak to the rules, and plenty of variants have made significant changes, but nobody's really dared completely overhaul it in Vanilla.


    • Pete Mack
      • Apr 2007
      • 6697

      It is NOT that way in 3.0: DEX maxes usefullyout at 18/150, which is easily reached, even as a HT.


      • mibert
        • Mar 2016
        • 57

        Originally posted by Derakon
        It's been that way basically forever. There have been the occasional tweak to the rules, and plenty of variants have made significant changes, but nobody's really dared completely overhaul it in Vanilla.
        Thanks! Interesting.

        It keeps driving me crazy...
        A mighty half-troll warrior will rather use a petty dagger than a freaking war hammer of orc slaying
        against orcs!
        how can you live with that, seriously?


        • Hounded
          • Jan 2019
          • 126


          I've been playing Angband for ages and this is far and away the one point that creates the greatest disconnect for me. I just run with it and accept but if there was one thing I'd change it would be how this is handled.

          Now if I could come up with a constructive suggestion to solve it... Perhaps instead of Warrior increasing multiple attacks they should cap that the same as other classes but have an increased to-dam scale based upon strength bonuses?

          The old concept of penalties for unsuitable weapons (based upon size) might bear looking into. Not a straight re-application of the old system but maybe something along the lines of "most attacks possible with right-sized weapon"? For example Hobbits would only obtain max attacks with Small melee weapons while Half-Troll would obtain max attacks only with Large Weapons. Ahdunno, just throwing that out.
          It Breathes. You die.


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            I found you can get close to sanity by just raising the base in the calculations (then adjusting as appropriate).

            Like this:

            Effective weight = x + weapon weight

            So instead of a long sword being about 4 dagger weights in the calculation, you can make it 2 or 3 (or whatever you feel is appropriate).


            • mibert
              • Mar 2016
              • 57

              Hey all,

              I've abandoned my half-troll b/c of that dagger>war hammer of orc slaying stupidity.
              But I've been playing mages and a ranger, which was pretty fun.

              I got some more questions:
              - are there no sticky curses? i really dont like that...
              - some items have some modifier that remains unclear and the description doesnt mention it at all
              - the ring of the mouse has a mallus to to-hit i guess; if so that mallus seems just irrelevant making the ring good almost always?
              - are the level feels absolute or relative to clvl, dlvl?
              - is there any way to compare ranged weapons?
              - i got an amulet i wanna sell-id, but no shop wants it apparently



              • mibert
                • Mar 2016
                • 57

                oh also, i wanted to squelch extra copies of books i already carry. It seemed impossible without also squelching my one copy i use for magic. Somewhat annoying in combination with "auto-pickup stuff you already carry". Maybe I'm just doing it wrong?

                Oh, and one more does the option to have full monster memory still exist?


                • Adam
                  • Feb 2016
                  • 194

                  - I think sticky curses are present only on very few items (like Morgoth's crown)
                  - I'm not sure what you mean by "modifier that remains unclear and the description doesnt mention it at all". You need to identify the runes of the items (resists, slays, etc). If you don't know all runes, the description tells you that you don't know everything about the item.
                  - Rings of the mouse have damage penalty which hurts melee characters. However they are the perfect early rings for mages. I think they can come with max 4 stealth bonus.
                  - Level feelings are based on the dungeon level. So if you dive fast and have crappy equipment a level with lower number can still improve your gear a lot. But also high level feelings can mean a deep dungeon book which you can't use (if you have selling on, it can be sold at least).
                  - You can compare ranged weapons by examining basic ammo. You can do it even if you are in the dungeon. Hit '~' (or Enter/Information/Check knowledge), then hit 'h' (Display content of general store) and finally 'l' (lowercase L) and the letter for the ammo to be inspected. This shows you the damage/round done by basic ammo. If you switch launchers you can repeat this for all of them and can compare the numbers. If you are playing weak characters (mages), also take the weight of the launcher into account. Crossbows are heavy, it's easy to end up with speed penalty if you carry one.
                  - Full monster memory is available by copying lib/gamaedata/monster.txt into lib/user/lore.txt
                  Last edited by Adam; June 10, 2019, 10:34.


                  • wobbly
                    • May 2012
                    • 2577

                    Originally posted by mibert
                    oh also, i wanted to squelch extra copies of books i already carry. It seemed impossible without also squelching my one copy i use for magic. Somewhat annoying in combination with "auto-pickup stuff you already carry". Maybe I'm just doing it wrong?

                    Oh, and one more does the option to have full monster memory still exist?
                    So you can inscribe books '{' and either use !g which will stop you picking up more or !d which will stop you dropping if you squelch the item. ! is a general ask for confirmation inscription.


                    • mibert
                      • Mar 2016
                      • 57

                      Originally posted by Adam
                      Hello! [...]
                      Cool, thanks a lot.

                      About the level feelings:
                      Is a 3 feel equally dangerous at dlvl 20 as at dlvl 1?


                      • mibert
                        • Mar 2016
                        • 57

                        Originally posted by wobbly
                        So you can inscribe books '{' and either use !g which will stop you picking up more or !d which will stop you dropping if you squelch the item. ! is a general ask for confirmation inscription.
                        oh !g
                        I didnt think of that


                        • Gauss
                          • Aug 2018
                          • 91

                          I recommend HE paladin as they have infravision. Helps a lot when starting to get into ghosts or other invisible monsters. Also the heal prayer is very effective in endgame providing high sustain.


                          • Derakon
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 8820

                            Originally posted by mibert
                            Cool, thanks a lot.

                            About the level feelings:
                            Is a 3 feel equally dangerous at dlvl 20 as at dlvl 1?
                            As Adam said, they scale based on your depth. If you're at dlvl5 and get a 9 danger rating, that could be something like a couple of orc uniques or maybe a two-headed hydra. Things that would be a serious threat to the kind of adventurer that hangs out at dlvl5. If you're at dlvl50, then those orc uniques and two-headed hydras are not remotely a threat, so they wouldn't warrant a 9 danger rating.

                            Treasure rating scales similarly. Early on you may be excited to find a Defender mace, but in the late game it doesn't even move the scale.

                            As for your other questions:

                            * Sticky curses are basically gone because they strongly discouraged players from trying out items they found in the dungeon. Wielding an un-ID'd melee weapon could ruin the game for a melee character if it happened to be sticky-cursed. Instead of sticky curses, now the game has a bunch of mixed-blessing items, which weaken you in one way while strengthening you in another. The goal is to tempt the player into getting themselves killed; personally I find that more enjoyable than the old days of tediously identifying every single item I find.

                            * If the attributes of an item aren't clear, then that means you haven't learned all of its capabilities yet. You learn them as they become relevant, so for example you would need to be hit by fire to recognize that your shield provides fire resistance. However, once you learn that, you'll recognize "gives fire resistance" on all future items, so you only need to identify the capability, not the item.


                            • Ingwe Ingweron
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 2110

                              Originally posted by wobbly
                              So you can inscribe books '{' and either use !g which will stop you picking up more or !d which will stop you dropping if you squelch the item. ! is a general ask for confirmation inscription.
                              I would actually prefer !k for this purpose, which prevents the item from being ignored (squelched) regardless of whether you drop it.
                              “We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see.”
                              ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead


                              • fph
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 956

                                Originally posted by Ingwe Ingweron
                                I would actually prefer !k for this purpose, which prevents the item from being ignored (squelched) regardless of whether you drop it.
                                Does one imply the other? I usually use them all out of habit: !s!d!k!v (even if I guess that at least !s is redundant).
                                Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.

