Something odd about monster.txt

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  • Magnate
    Angband Devteam member
    • May 2007
    • 4916

    Something odd about monster.txt

    (Reposted from rgra in case anyone here can help)

    Magnate wrote:
    > Magnate wrote:
    >> "Werner Baer" <> wrote
    >>> "Magnate" <> schrieb...
    >>>> My investigations into vortices have made me fear that I don't
    >>>> understand something about monster.txt, or that something has changed.
    >>> [...]
    >>>> Checking my current monster.txt for 3.0.9b, sure enough all the early
    >>>> vortices have W lines starting W:21:1...
    >>>> Yet they show up on my current monster recall as being native to 350', not 1050' ...??
    >>> The game reads the data from monster.raw in the lib/data folder.
    >>> That file gets recreated from monster.txt if it's not there, or
    >>> monster.txt is newer.
    >>> So delete your monster.raw file, and all should be fine after the next
    >>> start.
    >> Wow. How on earth did that happen?

    Well, I still don't know how, but every time I start Angband it writes a
    version of monster.txt into /home/chrisc/.angband/Angband - regardless of what is in /etc/angband/edit or /var/games/angband/data

    Once upon a time, about a year ago, I downloaded UnAndrew's rebalanced monster.txt for 3.0.8 -

    This is the monster.txt that is getting created in my ~/.angband/Angband
    directory every time I start Angband. I don't understand how - it doesn't
    exist anywhere on this system.

    What I don't understand is,

    1. Why is it doing this? Does anybody else's version write monster.txt into
    their home dir?

    2. Where is it getting its info from? The only other monster.txt on the
    system is in /etc/angband/edit and is the untouched version from 3.0.9b

    3. Why is it ignoring the correct monster.txt in /etc/angband/edit?

    Really grateful if somebody could help me get to the bottom of this. It does
    this whenever Angband starts, no matter what I do. (It doesn't happen on my Windows version.)

    ... well, at least I now know the source of the problem. Somehow my Angband installation recreates UnAndrew's rebalanced 3.0.8 monster list (even though the one it creates in ~/.angband/Angband is more up to date than that, complete with FORGET flags). So, a question for Takkaria: did you incorporate UnAndrew's rebalancing code into 3.0.9 or 3.0.9b?

    If not, I can't understand why this is happening. The monster.txt in /etc/angband/edit is being totally ignored. The game is creating its own version, the instant it starts (without loading a savefile, without any monster.raw existing, before a character is even created).

    Does nobody else have this problem??

    "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles
  • andrewdoull
    Unangband maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 816

    Originally posted by Magnate
    (Reposted from rgra in case anyone here can help)

    Does nobody else have this problem??

    Check your config.h. You've probably enabled ALLOW_TEMPLATES_foo (I can't remember what the foo is), which does this behaviour.

    The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
    In UnAngband, the level dives you.
    ASCII Dreams:


    • Magnate
      Angband Devteam member
      • May 2007
      • 4916

      Originally posted by andrewdoull
      Check your config.h. You've probably enabled ALLOW_TEMPLATES_foo (I can't remember what the foo is), which does this behaviour.
      Yes, thanks - ALLOW_TEMPLATES_PROCESS had been switched on in the Debian build. I've rebuilt my own version and alerted the Debian maintainer.

      My version has a run-time switch for this, so you can edit monster.txt, see what happens with rebalancing, and then play without rebalancing, all without recompiling. I posted the patch for this to rgra.

      "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles

