A lantern can hold 3 flasks' worth of oil. Yet it weighs only 5 pounds, which if I recall correctly is less than the combined weight of three flasks alone.
Not to mention it apparently no longer does extra fire damage: it does extra damage vs all enemies (not that this is important, since there are essentially zero fire-resistant things you might throw it at.) But the description is wrong, in any case.
The lantern actually burns all the oil immediately, but captures all of the photons in a special mirrored chamber. It then gradually lets some of the photons escape over time to provide illumination.
@Derakon--of course! Why didn't I think of that; it makes perfect sense. Except I think it turns the oil into a light-emitting fluid like firefly juice.
A lantern can only hold 15000 / 7500 = 2 flasks' worth of oil; and two flasks of oil weigh less than a lantern does. That said, a lantern weighs the same whether it's empty or full
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