No trap detection... its nearly impossible to wear enough 'searching' to make up for a few rods of trap detection and when you're about to plunder that juicy 9 vault or you're on your way to grab 'x' item a trap door will wreck you. I had search on auto and was searching each space three times and I still missed a trap door in said vault with +8, 54% searching.
No food... miss a few levels because of trap doors? You'll run low on consumables and the one consumable that will kill you if you run out is food. Just a reminder that the warrior class in Iron Man plays like the original Rogue... as if everything else weren't hard enough you're on a food clock... it wouldn't be Angband if the levels were persistent however starvation is a harsh fate for the one class that can't conjure food from a book.
No food... miss a few levels because of trap doors? You'll run low on consumables and the one consumable that will kill you if you run out is food. Just a reminder that the warrior class in Iron Man plays like the original Rogue... as if everything else weren't hard enough you're on a food clock... it wouldn't be Angband if the levels were persistent however starvation is a harsh fate for the one class that can't conjure food from a book.
