the question here, "how long do you play for" is because i'm trying to find how long you can keep focused, before you start to play badly.
mind you, i'm pretty darn good in some other games i play, like Quake, or BLR, and after i get to a certain point of tiredness, my skill drops dramatically.
now that i'm playing mage, i find i have to incessantly tell myself to not charge into the mobs and i have to remind myself that i can't afford to think "oh it's just a INSERT MOB NAME, i can easily melee it".
it's the third time in 3 dungeon levels that i meet Nar, the Dwarf, and all three times i'm in a situation where i cannot kill it - because i'm out of mana, or there's mobs near by, or he's too close and i dont have any scrolls of phase. But boy, i do i want to kill him.
I find that i can't really play for more than an hour, maybe 1 1/2 at most, before i start doing idiotic stuff, like forgetting i have activations (those rings of acid are finally useful), or using my last 6 mana for magic missiles instead of teleport.
mind you, i'm pretty darn good in some other games i play, like Quake, or BLR, and after i get to a certain point of tiredness, my skill drops dramatically.
now that i'm playing mage, i find i have to incessantly tell myself to not charge into the mobs and i have to remind myself that i can't afford to think "oh it's just a INSERT MOB NAME, i can easily melee it".
it's the third time in 3 dungeon levels that i meet Nar, the Dwarf, and all three times i'm in a situation where i cannot kill it - because i'm out of mana, or there's mobs near by, or he's too close and i dont have any scrolls of phase. But boy, i do i want to kill him.
I find that i can't really play for more than an hour, maybe 1 1/2 at most, before i start doing idiotic stuff, like forgetting i have activations (those rings of acid are finally useful), or using my last 6 mana for magic missiles instead of teleport.