+2 attack speed dagger

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  • orbs
    • Mar 2008
    • 9

    +2 attack speed dagger

    I forget how rare +2 attack speed is. Do many unique and artifact weapons make this obsolete?
  • Garrie
    • Feb 2008
    • 130

    Originally posted by orbs
    I forget how rare +2 attack speed is. Do many unique and artifact weapons make this obsolete?
    problem is that before you get very deep - you will find that you need more utility from your weapon than just giving a CL30 warrior 9 attacks / round or some crazy thing...

    issues like needing SI/FA/rBase become equally meaningful to abilty to deal out melee damage.

    As someone who plays a lot of mages - the pointy thing is irrelevant it's all about the abilities.
    Best /favorite character


    • Estie
      • Apr 2008
      • 2281

      I usually find Westernesse/HA weapons more beneficial.

      Westernesse, for example, offers +str/dex/con, SI, FA. Chances are that those stat boni will give you one more attack and the FA frees a ring slot for a damage ring, so you end up doing about the same damage but have more hit points, can carry more before becoming encumbered etc.


      • Neuro
        • May 2008
        • 19

        Early on, +2 attacks is much more important, since at that point you are getting 2, maybe 3 attacks a round, so you are getting 66-100% more hits in. Once you hit stat gain, you are hitting 4-6 times a round (depending on class), so the +2 attacks is less of a gain. Adding in the fact that artifact and ego weapons generally have higher +hit/dmg and higher base damage, the +2 attacks don't give as much as a slower, harder hitting weapon.

