Dilemma -

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  • richdunlop
    • May 2008
    • 6

    Dilemma -

    I'm currently running a clevel 40 he mage at dlevel 75. He's been there since clevel 37 and is getting really bored. This is the first character I've had that has survived more than a few levels past stat gain and I think that what's been keeping him alive has been my focus on high con, picking fights and diving to keep things interesting. I'd never tried diving to this extent before. This has included running with aggravation (Hammerhand) until a find of Holhenneth at dlevel 73 made life a little easier. I didn't really do a stat gain other than taking a brief pause to up con.

    I've got most resists covered, all spell books, HP's are around the 720 mark, perm speed is +18 and I have two +9 speed rings at home which I can't wear as I need the con rings I'm wearing. However my AC is quite low as Himring is my only source of rnether which I've found is pretty much essential when confronted by a dracolich. I'm also weak offensively due to clevel and being a mage that's a mediocre shot with a crossbow.

    Here's the problem. There are lots of monsters I can't put much of a dent in before I have to TO (usually due to taking some enormous breath) e.g. exotic great wyrms and uniques like Ormax. But I'm getting bored hanging around waiting for better kit or to level up and I'm frightened I'll suffer a death by boredom. I'm SO tempted to carry on diving to keep the excitement and interest up. Hunting great wyrms / Dracolich's is just so much more fun that running around in Troll pits. However, have I reached the point where the risk reward will simply be too great? Any views greatly appreciated as I've never been this deep before...
  • Garrie
    • Feb 2008
    • 130

    Have you got a dump on the ladder or one you could put in the thread?

    Sorry, it's for my selfish reasons not so I can offer advice - I'm having trouble getting past dl25 or so, your dump might let me know how I should be looking for getting further down.
    Best /favorite character


    • richdunlop
      • May 2008
      • 6

      Originally posted by Garrie
      Have you got a dump on the ladder or one you could put in the thread?

      Sorry, it's for my selfish reasons not so I can offer advice - I'm having trouble getting past dl25 or so, your dump might let me know how I should be looking for getting further down.
      Just updated the ladder. See Ekko.

      You'll see from the dump that a high con (although I haven't quite max'd it) has been my main concern. That and maintaining the obvious resists.

      You'll need to decide for yourself whether you like diving or enjoy a more conservative play style. I've only just answered this question for myself with this character. Most of my previous deaths have been due to carelessness arsing from boredom. Good luck!


      • roustk
        • Dec 2007
        • 165

        I think that your lack of ESP is more of a problem than CON. Carlammas isn't doing you too much good, compared to an Amulet of ESP. You also should be looking for a much better bow -- I expect that you should be able to find some with about +20 to-dam fairly fast.

        You don't need more speed at this point (you can maintain a hasted 28 thanks to Feanor). In fact, you probably have everything you need for endgame.

        The Rod of Detection is redundant with the Arkenstone and Holhenneth -- that will free up a slot.

        You have *no* scrolls of phase door. I'm also surprised that you aren't carrying any Healing or Restore Mana -- you have plenty to spare.


        • richdunlop
          • May 2008
          • 6

          Originally posted by roustk
          I think that your lack of ESP is more of a problem than CON. Carlammas isn't doing you too much good, compared to an Amulet of ESP. You also should be looking for a much better bow -- I expect that you should be able to find some with about +20 to-dam fairly fast.

          You don't need more speed at this point (you can maintain a hasted 28 thanks to Feanor). In fact, you probably have everything you need for endgame.

          The Rod of Detection is redundant with the Arkenstone and Holhenneth -- that will free up a slot.
          Thanks for the tips. I'll hold my hands up and say that I'd never even considered activating for detection. Would you believe that is about the best bow I've seen. I've yet to come across a heavy crossbow of extra might as stupendously unlikely as that sounds!

          Originally posted by roustk
          You have *no* scrolls of phase door. I'm also surprised that you aren't carrying any Healing or Restore Mana -- you have plenty to spare.
          I've never been in the endgame before so I'd been stockpiling those. Now you've pointed it out though I've probably got more than I can carry!

          This is a great pointer though as having a few healing and mana poitions would help with the tough guys. I guess up to this point the opposition has generally had so few hit points that I've been able to take them out before I had to resort to potions to prop me up.

          BTW, you've just given me the solution to my boredom. Thanks! I'm going to load up a few of those stockpiled potions and head on down...


          • roustk
            • Dec 2007
            • 165

            Originally posted by richdunlop
            Would you believe that is about the best bow I've seen. I've yet to come across a heavy crossbow of extra might as stupendously unlikely as that sounds!
            There always seems to be one slot that never gets filled -- my (largely idle) Warrior I have running at 2050' is wearing a resist ring and an amulet because of a nearly complete lack of armor with any of the four base resists. (The first body armor that resisted anything was a Green DSM at 1400', and even rings were hard to find.)

            A long bow isn't that much weaker than a crossbow, and a difference in to-dam will make up much of it. Your x4 +12 heavy crossbow generates about 100 damage per bolt ([1d5+9+12]*4). A x3 +22 long bow or light crossbow will match that ([1d4+9+22]*3). Hopefully you'll find a better bow or xbow soon -- (an ego shooter gets a to-dam of 1d5+MB(5)+MB(10) plus an additional 1d5, 1d10, or 1d15 depending on type -- averages about 14 to 19 bonus).

            I've never been in the endgame before so I'd been stockpiling those. Now you've pointed it out though I've probably got more than I can carry!
            For slower players, there always seem to be plenty of Healing potions, although *Healing* are precious. (You are at almost 4M turns now, which is fairly typical. Crazy people win under 1M turns.)

            My last winner (Half-Troll Mage) used "a godawful lot of potions" according to aeneas -- 7 Mana, 14 Healing, 4 *Heal*, and 1 Life. Double that and you should have plenty to spare...


            • Garrie
              • Feb 2008
              • 130

              Thanks for the link. As I thought you are way past where I can offer advice. I don't think I've ever had an @ with so many artifacts since I stopped clearing levels and hanging around with DLEV<5*CLEV.

              I usually get a tombstone about the time balrogs start showing up in-depth.
              Best /favorite character


              • richdunlop
                • May 2008
                • 6

                Finally ran out of luck on dlevel 81. Greater draconic Q summoned lots of wyrms which I was having a great time hunting down for some nice drops. Decided to take a gamble while bashing a great wyrm of chaos who promptly breathed on his next move... ...tombstone. The really irritating thing is I did know better. YASD.

                Shame, I'd just picked up tulkas, durin and the necklace of the dwarves. Never filled that bow slot properly though. Back to the autoroller...


                • Garrie
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 130

                  I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who kills @ by fighting something I know I should really be running away from!

                  Mind you my @s seem to die due to me diving beyond my constitution sensibly allows for...
                  Best /favorite character

