I recently got the Angband bug again and downloaded the newest version (3.5) on Thursday. Boy a bunch of changes since i last played in 3.2 about 4 years ago. I got myself killed really fast a few times (playing while tired in a cramped seat on an airplane isn't the best way to learn a new version ;-)) so I started save scumming a bit while i figure out all these changes. See the character dump on the ladder for my progress. I haven't died in a good while so I think i'm making progress. Though after i uploaded the character I realized I named him with the wrong version number
A resistance shield on DL10 from an Orc unique and Wormtongue dropping a HA Cutlass on DL16 were great early drops that have helped speed me along. i bough a nice stack of Iron Shot of Venom from the BM that were my main Unique killing weapons, especially once I got a Sling of Extra Might but breakage is whittling down the stack
I didn't find ANY scrolls or staves of ID until just recently, even the stores were out. But the newer pseudo ID and improved squelching (I really like the change!) meant i wasn't as hampered as I thought i would be by that lack of ID. Stores only buying for ID purposes, not as much for sale, and the aforementioned improvements to pseudo ID and squelch have really changed my game play. I don't go back to town nearly as much, just keep moving deeper most of the time and not worrying about my gold supply. Its taken me a while to get used to it but I think this is a great improvement after a couple days of playing.
My current dilemma is the 3 different great launchers i recently found. All do much more damage than my HA does and range is always a Good Thing (tm). my problem is I'm not sure which to use and which to dump. I need the pack room and the weight.
Right now its time to break for a bit, charge up the laptop, check in on the wife, eat food for the first time in 6 hours, and see if anyone has any advice before diving back into the dungeons...
Thomas Price
aka The Bookworm
A resistance shield on DL10 from an Orc unique and Wormtongue dropping a HA Cutlass on DL16 were great early drops that have helped speed me along. i bough a nice stack of Iron Shot of Venom from the BM that were my main Unique killing weapons, especially once I got a Sling of Extra Might but breakage is whittling down the stack
I didn't find ANY scrolls or staves of ID until just recently, even the stores were out. But the newer pseudo ID and improved squelching (I really like the change!) meant i wasn't as hampered as I thought i would be by that lack of ID. Stores only buying for ID purposes, not as much for sale, and the aforementioned improvements to pseudo ID and squelch have really changed my game play. I don't go back to town nearly as much, just keep moving deeper most of the time and not worrying about my gold supply. Its taken me a while to get used to it but I think this is a great improvement after a couple days of playing.
My current dilemma is the 3 different great launchers i recently found. All do much more damage than my HA does and range is always a Good Thing (tm). my problem is I'm not sure which to use and which to dump. I need the pack room and the weight.
Right now its time to break for a bit, charge up the laptop, check in on the wife, eat food for the first time in 6 hours, and see if anyone has any advice before diving back into the dungeons...
Thomas Price
aka The Bookworm