monster list info

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  • DaviddesJ
    • Mar 2008
    • 254

    monster list info

    This is a simple, almost trivial thing, but in the monster display list (monsters you see), it would be nice to have a bit more information, particularly for identifying the tougher monsters at a glance. Currently, uniques are in a different color, but that's about it. A simple suggestion would be to display the monster level for each monster in the list (assuming you know it).

    A related idea, in the strength bar for the targeted monster (showing the damage you've done so far as a fraction of its maximum hit points), there could be some indication of the typical total hit points for that monster (again, assuming you know it).
  • Big Al
    • Apr 2007
    • 311

    In the SVN, out of depth monsters are marked in red, I think, and the monster list is (roughly) sorted from hardest-to-easiest, so the harder monsters should appear near the top of the list.
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