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  • Justin Z
    • Nov 2014
    • 20


    Hi everybody! Relatively new Angband (3.5.0) player although I first played Moria oh, probably 22 years or so ago for the first time on my 486. I actually just beat it for the first time a couple of months ago--version 5.5 color patch 2 for DOS, released June 1, 2003. Apparently that version is really hard to find on the internet anymore but I'd had it for a while, and playing in DOSBox was fun.

    Anyway, I finally got a compatible DOS-like font (I really don't like the default ones available) and figured out I can reduce my screen resolution to 1280x720 and have a nice, big playing area and some terminals on my big screen TV! It works pretty nicely.

    I have to say I love a lot of the changes from Moria. Artifacts, the simplified control scheme, macros, unique monsters, combining Detect Traps with Detect Doors and Stairs, finding more prayer books in the dungeons, changing the way the stat system works with equipment bonuses, overhauling stats' effects on your character generally, and on and on. Just awesome work and I want to thank every dev from the beginning!

    But, that doesn't mean I haven't found a bug or two, and hopefully I can contribute in a positive way. First, I have noticed that if you have placed missiles in your quiver, and don't know what they are yet (besides {magical}), and then your character figures it out while you're wandering around, it will say something like:

    On the ground: 27 Arrows (+5, +4)

    As opposed to "In your quiver."

    Also possibly a bug--is every single pile of mithril coins supposed to be creeping? I have never, ever encountered one that is just treasure. Copper, silver, gold and adamantite all have just coins usually, but mithril is ALWAYS a monster.

    Oh, and my paladin died with a score of 14,880,173 yesterday on level 94. Argh. I had found new armor which resisted Nexus and Nether, both of which I had suboptimal items equipped for their resistance. What I failed to notice is that the old armor was the only thing I had equipped that resisted poison. Then, Ancalagon the Black breathed poison. Bye bye, 1,000 or so hp! Dumb mistake but then, most deaths are, right?
  • Thraalbee
    • Sep 2010
    • 707

    Welcome to the forum!

    I think all players experience that kind of death every now and then. But it's especially painful when it happens just before the end game as happened for you.

    Don't be shy of posting your characters on the Ladder, that's a good way of getting hints and tips. Also, you can learn a lot from the Ladder. Try selecting the posted dumps on the specific race/class combo (and variant) you are playing and read the comments list on a few of the hits!


    • Monkey Face
      • Feb 2009
      • 244

      Welcome to Angband. I've definitely had mithril coins that are just coins, but plenty are monsters as well. If I have a ranged attack, I'll usually aim for the pile of coins with the ranged attack prior to trying to pick up unless my melee is good enough to quickly take them out.


      • Derakon
        • Dec 2009
        • 9022

        It's certainly the case that creeping mithril coins start showing up well before mithril cash drops do. I don't know about their respective rarities (not counting monster drops) once mithril money drops are in-depth though. Still, bare piles of money are pretty suspicious to begin with, no matter what kind.


        • Justin Z
          • Nov 2014
          • 20

          Thanks everybody for the info!

          Another potential bug to report, I have a randart "Black Dragon Scale Mail of Mirithiri." It gives +2 to constitution. However it cannot be activated in the same way that dragon scale mails normally can to act like a wand of (acid, in this case) balls.


          • debo
            • Oct 2011
            • 2402

            Originally posted by Justin Z
            Thanks everybody for the info!

            Another potential bug to report, I have a randart "Black Dragon Scale Mail of Mirithiri." It gives +2 to constitution. However it cannot be activated in the same way that dragon scale mails normally can to act like a wand of (acid, in this case) balls.
            Yeah, randart DSMs get their activations rolled just like any other type.
            Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


            • Justin Z
              • Nov 2014
              • 20

              I see. I guess I just was under the assumption that an inherent quality of dragon scale mail was that it allowed you to launch a ball of the associated element.

