Wifeless/kidless win plan

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  • MattB
    • Mar 2013
    • 1214

    DAY 3

    Came downstairs to find that the kobold has exploded all over the living room again. This gave me the impetus I needed to resolve the water issue.

    Then I spent the whole day painting the upstairs bedrooms, which was dull, but I did get to listen to Terry Pratchett audiobooks on youtube without any interruption, which was nice.

    Wifless Kidless II is shaping up nicely...

    Just need ESP and then I can lose SInvis by upgrading the weapon. Then a couple of RoDams would make the damage quite decent for this depth.

    Met another Ethereal Dragon. Ran away this time. Daddy remains unavenged.

    All of the glassware in the house appears to be dirty. And staying that way. Tomorrow I shall have to Wash Up.


    • Mark
      • Oct 2007
      • 130


      Really enjoyed this thread. The family theme is relevant to me; I became a father five days ago and my week has been the opposite of yours, all family and no angband. I wouldn't change that, but I do wonder when I'll next get chance to really play.

      I was crying with laughter at your list of day 1 RL achievements. Possibly due to sleep deprivation. Anyway, keep your updates coming!


      • SaThaRiel
        • Nov 2009
        • 174

        Originally posted by Mark
        Really enjoyed this thread. The family theme is relevant to me; I became a father five days ago and my week has been the opposite of yours, all family and no angband. I wouldn't change that, but I do wonder when I'll next get chance to really play.

        I was crying with laughter at your list of day 1 RL achievements. Possibly due to sleep deprivation. Anyway, keep your updates coming!
        Congratz There will be time again...sometimes...later Well, your wife will leave the house from time to time, there comes kindergarten and school - so no worries, you just need to decide if you want to sleep or play.

        To the topic: I really enjoy that story too! It is great, it shows how great this community is. I really hope you have a winner there. After all it is not easy to fight against caving grounds with kobolds and on the other side dragons and Trolls.

        Thank you for sharing this - and good luck with kobold...
        Proud candidate for the Angband Darwin Award!


        • MattB
          • Mar 2013
          • 1214

          Haha! thanks guys - I'll keep it up until the family return and then I'll have to justify my time expenditure a bit more!

          @Mark, don't worry - the sleep deprivation days flash by in a blur (until then, having a sleeping baby in one arm at 4am on the sofa gives you a perfect excuse to play Angband with the other. If challenged, try an apologetic look and "I would get up, but...")


          • MattB
            • Mar 2013
            • 1214

            DAY 4

            RL achievements

            -Started the day with my now normal routine of mopping up the effects of the kobold's stomach bug. I am now apathetic towards this job.

            -The re-introduction of water into the household has shown that my plumbing upstairs is leaking. So I unplumbed it again. Then I had a dilemma. It seems that every flat surface in the house is covered in either empty beer bottles or tools for which I've gone to the shed, scooped up in my arms, returned inside and discarded 95% as useless. So I put the sink in the bath. Then I needed a bath. Well, why not? It's a sink. It's supposed to get wet, right. Bit cramped in there though.

            -The new washing machine is being delivered tomorrow, so I unplumbed the old one ready for collection. Getting better at the stopcock fandango now. And I have come to the conclusion that I am an excellent 'unplumber' - it's just my 'plumbing' skills that leave a bit to be desired.

            -Water is now off again until tomorrow. Maybe should have thought that through a bit more.

            -Found a clean wine glass in a cupboard so have managed to avoid Doing The Washing Up for another 24 hours. I have diminished the need for such by only cooking using the toasted sandwich maker. No plates or cutlery necessary. I've burnt my fingers a few times, mind. And the sandwich maker now adds many and varied flavours to anything placed within.

            -Went to work for a few hours. Paid some people while thinking about Angband. Tried to be Diligent, not Haphazard.

            -Cut myself on a putty knife. Can't get to the medicine cabinet at the moment so used newspaper to stem the bleeding. Daren't remove it now.


            Going rather swimmingly - can't complain about the RNG on this run, either.
            Smaug gave me not only a kickass melee weapon (there's something rather pleasing about a Half-Troll Rogue running around with a mattock), but also a choice of two great bows.

            Then a bad thing happened. I offed Saruman and he dropped half a dozen pieces of armour and an unID'd ring. I took one step towards all of the lovely loot and fell straight through a trapdoor (it was an unexplored 'excellent' level too). I guess he can cast 'create traps', never noticed him doing that before. But, you know what, the fury I felt has prompted me to dive down to the 90's as fast as I can to make up for it and that's probably a good thing.

            Turncount is looking not bad, by my slow standards.

            Although I could really do with getting my WIS up so I can afford to lose rNexus and swap in my boots of speed. (See, Fizzix, nexus statswap mechanic is awesome!). Then I may even consider swapping in a RoDamage for one of my rings of speed...

            Onwards and downwards!

            (Currently mixing it with Radagast, whom I always find surprisingly hard to kill. I reckon he's about one round's worth of damage away from death, but in LoS I've also got two dracoliches, 2 11-headed hydras and a greater basilisk. Despite the whisky, I think common sense is going to prevail...)


            • Estie
              • Apr 2008
              • 2343

              Another advantage of half troll is that they can wield anything without shame. A high elf might hesitate to brandish a pick and insist on an elegant blade; half troll couldnt care less.

              Wisdom for fear of stat swap, are you serious ? That extra 2% saving throw does less to stop scrambling than more speed would in avoiding getting nexus´d in the first place. With trolls, and especially troll rogues, I let go of all hope to ever make a saving throw; life is better thereafter.


              • MattB
                • Mar 2013
                • 1214

                Originally posted by Estie
                Wisdom for fear of stat swap, are you serious ? That extra 2% saving throw does less to stop scrambling than more speed would in avoiding getting nexus´d in the first place. With trolls, and especially troll rogues, I let go of all hope to ever make a saving throw; life is better thereafter.
                Perhaps I should have been clearer.
                With my WIS up to 18/100 I couldn't give a monkey's about nexus attacks because statswap will have no effect!
                At the moment, all of my stats are up or near to 18/100 but WIS is down at 15 or so. I don't want CON of 15.


                • HugoVirtuoso
                  • Jan 2012
                  • 1237

                  Originally posted by Estie
                  Another advantage of half troll is that they can wield anything without shame. A high elf might hesitate to brandish a pick and insist on an elegant blade; half troll couldnt care less.

                  Wisdom for fear of stat swap, are you serious ? That extra 2% saving throw does less to stop scrambling than more speed would in avoiding getting nexus´d in the first place. With trolls, and especially troll rogues, I let go of all hope to ever make a saving throw; life is better thereafter.
                  I'd go for the Half-Trolls anyday for these reasons:

                  +better hit dice (more HP!)
                  +higher STR
                  +better melee
                  +because they are simply brutal...it's in their blood.
                  My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                  If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                  As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                  • Estie
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 2343

                    Originally posted by MattB
                    Perhaps I should have been clearer.
                    With my WIS up to 18/100 I couldn't give a monkey's about nexus attacks because statswap will have no effect!
                    At the moment, all of my stats are up or near to 18/100 but WIS is down at 15 or so. I don't want CON of 15.
                    Ah of course, now it makes sense.


                    • Carnivean
                      • Sep 2013
                      • 527

                      The trip reports read more like Matt is playing Dwarf Fortress, as one of the Dwarves.


                      • MattB
                        • Mar 2013
                        • 1214

                        DAY 5


                        -Decided to reward my hard 'work' around the house by spending the day banding and drinking 'food'.
                        -Received a text message from my wife saying that the kids were going to facetime me in 30 minutes.
                        -Realised that the lack of painting might become apparent. At this point I must admit that I might have panicked slightly. I piled all of the furniture in the living room into the middle of the floor and threw a dustsheet over it. Then I changed into my painting clothes and daubed some paint on my face. Just in time. I think I got away with it.
                        -At one point The Washing Up came into frame. I had to do Thinking On My Feet. I said that the reason I couldn't do The Washing Up was that I had had to unplumb the kitchen sink.
                        -After the call, I unplumbed the kitchen sink.
                        -Then I settled back to Angbanding. On the floor of the living room. With the kobold. (I'll say this for Newfoundlands, they make quite good makeshift sofas - took a while to get him at the right angle for the telly, mind)...


                        ...and promptly died.

                        This one hurt because I was ready and on my way to take on Morgoth. I felt I was in control of the fight with Polyphemus, but forgot about the damage that the ceiling does when it falls on your head. Pretty sure it's my first ever tombstone that says 'killed by an earthquake'.


                        • MattB
                          • Mar 2013
                          • 1214

                          Originally posted by Carnivean
                          The trip reports read more like Matt is playing Dwarf Fortress, as one of the Dwarves.
                          Having struggled with that game for about a week before giving up in a bewildered state, I can confirm that, yes, it is a bit like that. No-one's on fire though. Yet.


                          • MattB
                            • Mar 2013
                            • 1214

                            DAY 6

                            I have come to the conclusion that we have far more water sources in a modern house that we actually need. This morning I went into the shower, washed, shaved, brushed my teeth (it feels perversely insanitary to brush your teeth with hot water) and also washed up a wine glass and a whisky tumbler.

                            Then I painted stuff. For 14 hours, with only brief banding interludes.

                            I decided that having lost a really good shot at a win with Wifless II, I didn't have enough time for a good shot at another one. So I thought I'd try diving really fast to dlvl30 and see if I could get an accelerated start. As a result, Wifless III, IV, V and VI all died between dlvl 15 and 20. Guess I'm not built out to be a diver! Feeling a bit dispirited because in the same time, playing conservatively, Wifless III would probably be roaming around statgain by now.

                            Anyway, the house is in such a state and my wife is due back Saturday night so I've got two days to put everything back together, finish painting and reroof the conservatory. So I think it's goodbye for now. I didn't get my winner, but it's been fun. Look out for a Wifless [YAWP] coming soon to a forum near you!

                            Thanks guys, signing out.

                            Matt (and the kobold)


                            • Estie
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 2343

                              Too bad
                              Silly houses should paint themselves in the 21st century.


                              • Timo Pietilä
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 4096

                                Originally posted by Estie
                                Too bad
                                Silly houses should paint themselves in the 21st century.
                                Self-morphing materials that get what you need when you need and otherwise stay out of your way. Colors and lights with smart coating the walls. Windows unnecessary, just select which part of the wall turns transparent.

