Ok, a couple more reasonably simple feature requests here:
1) The wording for Birth Options g), h) and i) is kinda confusing, because they're double negatives Just for clarity I'd rewrite them, and default them to the opposite, for example:
Don't preserve artifacts when leaving level : No
would become
Preserve artifacts when leaving level : Yes
As far as I can tell, those three are the only confusing ones. So... yeah.
2) More significantly, I would like to request removing traps entirely from DL1. It's happened to me more than once (and I've seen it with others as well), where you roll a new @, take a few steps, fall into a spiked pit (or onto a summoning square, or enveloped in flames, etc) and you're dead.
Some deaths are from greed, some deaths are from stupidity, but I don't think this is one of them. The only real game play effect this would have is prevent you from having to reroll again after something that wasn't really your fault. This only really matters if you're CL1 anyway, because by the time you get to CL2, I don't think there are any DL1 traps that can kill a full health @ anyway.
1) The wording for Birth Options g), h) and i) is kinda confusing, because they're double negatives Just for clarity I'd rewrite them, and default them to the opposite, for example:
Don't preserve artifacts when leaving level : No
would become
Preserve artifacts when leaving level : Yes
As far as I can tell, those three are the only confusing ones. So... yeah.
2) More significantly, I would like to request removing traps entirely from DL1. It's happened to me more than once (and I've seen it with others as well), where you roll a new @, take a few steps, fall into a spiked pit (or onto a summoning square, or enveloped in flames, etc) and you're dead.
Some deaths are from greed, some deaths are from stupidity, but I don't think this is one of them. The only real game play effect this would have is prevent you from having to reroll again after something that wasn't really your fault. This only really matters if you're CL1 anyway, because by the time you get to CL2, I don't think there are any DL1 traps that can kill a full health @ anyway.
