shooting macro

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  • Andiiboi
    • Nov 2007
    • 4

    shooting macro

    Hello everyone,
    I just lost a character from using a shooting macro.
    ammo inscribed with @f1=g

    In short, I dropped my light in a lighted area, teleported out, and died before I could make it back. ESP and rods of teleport other kept me alive for a while, but I got careless (sitting to regain health with ESP and didn't realize some huge undetectable was beating on me).

    I inscribed the light with ! just dawned on me....the command is 't'ake off, not 'd'rop....!@$@$#%^$%#^%^@%$@%#$)%$!% my first character to have a chance at winning...

    I was about to ask if anyone had any ideas, but I guess I found the problem (and the solution).
  • Bandobras
    • Apr 2007
    • 676

    I play with use_old_target. I target any monster once and then peck at the shooting macro


    I guess it stops me automatically when the monster is dead. I guess 0 is better than 5, because in case something goes wrong you don't waste a turn.


    • Garrie
      • Feb 2008
      • 130

      Originally posted by Andiiboi
      Hello everyone,
      I just lost a character from using a shooting macro.
      ammo inscribed with @f1=g

      In short, I dropped my light in a lighted area, teleported out, and died before I could make it back. ESP and rods of teleport other kept me alive for a while, but I got careless (sitting to regain health with ESP and didn't realize some huge undetectable was beating on me).

      I inscribed the light with ! just dawned on me....the command is 't'ake off, not 'd'rop....!@$@$#%^$%#^%^@%$@%#$)%$!% my first character to have a chance at winning...

      I was about to ask if anyone had any ideas, but I guess I found the problem (and the solution).
      this re-raises a question i have: I do play an older version (3.0.5), my question is in the current version does enscribing !t prevent un-equipping an item?
      Best /favorite character


      • momo125
        • May 2007
        • 41

        I lost a good character when my light was taken off by accident. Every now and then the macro doesn't work right and it t (takes off) f (light source). I always inscribe my light source with !t.
        I think I have it set to use old target by default and my fire macro is:


        • Bandobras
          • Apr 2007
          • 676

          What does '*t' do? Picks the closest monster? Then use_old_target does not do anything for you. And why no '0' at the end of 'f1'? In this way you need 2 keystrokes per each shot, am I right? I need only 1 keystroke, after I choose the target at the start. And I don't need any extra keystrokes when that full HP mage gets closer to me than the almost dead mage I was firing at before.


          • Andiiboi
            • Nov 2007
            • 4

            momo125 has '*t' in his macro so he doesn't have to target at all in order to shoot the nearest monster. My 5 there is because I have use_old_target off.

            I suppose by putting '\e\e\e' IN FRONT of the macro, you would clear whatever prompts are left. Then again, my '\e\e\e' at the end were more like '\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e\e', and it still happened.

            I'm going to try 'f1*t' for a while and see if it takes off my light. I think the problem before only occurred when my hitpoint warning came on, and because 't' and 'f' were right next to each other. I can't really see any potential problems, except maybe moving '1', and that usually isn't *that* big of a deal. A lot less worse than dropping your only light source in a vault, phasing, and not having an easy way back in.
            Last edited by Andiiboi; March 25, 2008, 21:03.


            • roustk
              • Dec 2007
              • 165

              Originally posted by Andiiboi
              I'm going to try 'f1*t' for a while and see if it takes off my light. I think the problem before only occurred when my hitpoint warning came on, and because 't' and 'f' were right next to each other.
              I think that '*tf1' would be safe if you had easy_more turned off, so that only 'space' (or escape?) would clear more prompts. I would guess that what happened is that you used your macro when there was a more prompt, so the '*' cleared the more and the 'tf' took off your light.

              Of course, you could also use roguelike mode, where 'T'ake off cannot easily be misinterpreted as an item. (For example, 'dT' will prompt you whether you *really* want to drop item t.)



              • Garrie
                • Feb 2008
                • 130

                Originally posted by roustk
                I think that '*tf1' would be safe if you had easy_more turned off, so that only 'space' (or escape?) would clear more prompts. I would guess that what happened is that you used your macro when there was a more prompt, so the '*' cleared the more and the 'tf' took off your light.

                Of course, you could also use roguelike mode, where 'T'ake off cannot easily be misinterpreted as an item. (For example, 'dT' will prompt you whether you *really* want to drop item t.)

                but the issue is, with a full inventory when you have something go wrong with *tf1... macros, the * gets ignored and it becomes "tf" (take off light... inventory full = drop light) "1..."(ignored as a crap command)

                I am hoping that eventually (and maybe even current version of V?) inscribing an item you intend to wear/wield with !t will prevent taking it off...
                Best /favorite character


                • Bandobras
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 676

                  And I still don't know what does 't' during targeting do. I never use it. Perhaps there is a safer alternative? Could you explain?


                  • roustk
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 165

                    Originally posted by Garrie
                    I am hoping that eventually (and maybe even current version of V?) inscribing an item you intend to wear/wield with !t will prevent taking it off...
                    You could use the '^' inscription to keep yourself from doing anything stupid. For example, I often inscribe an amulet of CHR with '^>^r^z^m' to prevent me from wearing it when I leave town (I will get a "are you sure?" prompt if I try to use the stairs, read a scroll, zap a rod, or use magic). On the rare occasions I carry a shovel, it gets inscribed '^;^.' so that I can't walk or run with it. You could inscribe your light source (or anything else you're wearing) with '^t', so that you have to confirm taking things off.



                    • Rizwan
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 280

                      Originally posted by Bandobras
                      And I still don't know what does 't' during targeting do. I never use it. Perhaps there is a safer alternative? Could you explain?
                      Doesn't 't' designate the monster in question as the target? I think it does so. It's like *=do you want to target this monster and t=yes, make it so


                      • Bandobras
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 676

                        Originally posted by Rizwan
                        Doesn't 't' designate the monster in question as the target? I think it does so. It's like *=do you want to target this monster and t=yes, make it so
                        If so, the whole problem is moot, because '0' acts the same (and I guess a few other keys as well) whether in macros or not. Moreover, outside of macros '0' is quite close to '*' and direction keys on the numpad, so it's more comfortable for me --- just the immobile right hand suffices for all targeting and only fingers move without removing eyes from the screen.


                        • Garrie
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 130

                          Originally posted by roustk
                          You could use the '^' inscription to keep yourself from doing anything stupid. ... You could inscribe your light source (or anything else you're wearing) with '^t', so that you have to confirm taking things off.

                          Thanks, even though I inscribe most of my used kit (as compared to loot) I haven't come across the use of ^(command).
                          I haven't noticed in in dumps either... not that I'm fanatical about reading dumps line by line
                          Best /favorite character


                          • Andiiboi
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 4

                            Brandobras, good one there. '0' does perform the same function as 't'arget in shooting (as does '5'). So, by replacing 't'arget with '0' there will be no accidental removal of clothing items.

                            I haven't had a problem with the reversal of my original shooting macro, either - 'f1*t', but it could be safer to use 'f1*0' instead, because '0' outside of the 'f'iring command doesn't do anything dangerous.
                            'f'ire initiates firing ammo
                            '1' selects ammo inscribed with '1'
                            '*' initiates targeting
                            '0' or '5' or 't' selects monster first monster targeted (nearest one, as determined by Angband)

                            Or '*0f10' could work, too.
                            '*' initiates targeting
                            '0' or '5' or 't' selects monster first monster targeted (nearest one, as determined by Angband)
                            'f'ire initiates firing ammo
                            '1' selects ammo inscribed with '1'
                            '0' or '5' or 't' selects old target

                            Then again, regarding the 't'ake off command - I never really thought of inscribing my usual clothing items with '^t' - I've only inscribed my charisma/shopping clothes with '^r^>^m^z'. How often does one really remove the clothes he uses? This might be an option, but I kind of really did expect '!t' to work.


                            • EvilScoop
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 10

                              Im not sure exactly what to T stands for, but I do know after you target with * you need to hit T to get it to fire.
                              I use
                              inscribed ammo @f0

                              also I have auto clear messages on and have NEVER had a problem with this setup. I do run a secondary window with all the game messages scrolling so I dont care if it autoclears from the top of the screen.


