Hi Bandobras,
I have no doubt that many deaths by carelessness will continue to occur if Teleport Level is unchanged. After all, they occur now don't they?
Scrolls and spellbooks can be burned or stolen. Players can be confused, blinded, or without light. And what's more - many players will decide NOT to teleport level but attack "just this once more", because the enemy is already down to one star and they don't want to lose the great loot they have stowed in a deserted corner of the dungeon. Or don't want to miss having a go at that promising vault.
An ancient multi-hued dragon is native to 2150', has +10 speed, and can breathe for 2100 hp of damage if at full health. Double resist reduces that to ~235 hp, but there's always a chance of a double move (since most players do not yet have +10 speed at 2150'). A mid-game character with ~500 hp can take this dragon on - but he/she needs a scroll of teleport level to escape in case the dragon does indeed get a double move and decides to breathe twice in a row.
If teleport level has a chance of a one-turn delay, ancient mutli-hued dragons are too dangerous to take on until the character is almost end-game strong - but end-game strong characters should be fighting wyrms and hunting down Sauron and Morgoth!
Note that the ancient multi-hued dragon is just an example. Similar can be said about many other mid-game monsters. And if most mid-game monsters become too strong for a mid-game character, something is wrong with game balance.
You also wrote: "I agree Destruction should also be nerfed". To be honest, I have far less problems with that. Teleport level carries the penalty of losing everything on the previous level, and the risk of ending up even deeper, with no stairs up in sight. Destruction will only destroy your loot if you are near your stash. I consider destruction to be far more unbalancing than teleport level, because it doesn't cost the player enough to "buy" his safety.
Oh, and BTW - did I mention yet that Alter Reality should be removed from the game?
I have no doubt that many deaths by carelessness will continue to occur if Teleport Level is unchanged. After all, they occur now don't they?

Scrolls and spellbooks can be burned or stolen. Players can be confused, blinded, or without light. And what's more - many players will decide NOT to teleport level but attack "just this once more", because the enemy is already down to one star and they don't want to lose the great loot they have stowed in a deserted corner of the dungeon. Or don't want to miss having a go at that promising vault.
An ancient multi-hued dragon is native to 2150', has +10 speed, and can breathe for 2100 hp of damage if at full health. Double resist reduces that to ~235 hp, but there's always a chance of a double move (since most players do not yet have +10 speed at 2150'). A mid-game character with ~500 hp can take this dragon on - but he/she needs a scroll of teleport level to escape in case the dragon does indeed get a double move and decides to breathe twice in a row.
If teleport level has a chance of a one-turn delay, ancient mutli-hued dragons are too dangerous to take on until the character is almost end-game strong - but end-game strong characters should be fighting wyrms and hunting down Sauron and Morgoth!
Note that the ancient multi-hued dragon is just an example. Similar can be said about many other mid-game monsters. And if most mid-game monsters become too strong for a mid-game character, something is wrong with game balance.
You also wrote: "I agree Destruction should also be nerfed". To be honest, I have far less problems with that. Teleport level carries the penalty of losing everything on the previous level, and the risk of ending up even deeper, with no stairs up in sight. Destruction will only destroy your loot if you are near your stash. I consider destruction to be far more unbalancing than teleport level, because it doesn't cost the player enough to "buy" his safety.
Oh, and BTW - did I mention yet that Alter Reality should be removed from the game?