Not sure if it's a bug or not but it sure is annoying. On Mac OS X 10.8.5, the sub windows term 1 through 7 never come forward even if the subwindow organization is saved in the player preference file. Every single time I start Angband I must go select Window/Term 1, Window/Term 2, ..., Window/Term 6 manually. This does not happen on windows 3.5.0, which restores the term windows automatically. "Windows/Bring all to front" doesn't help.
3.5.0 Mac OS X subwindows bug?
Not sure if it's a bug or not but it sure is annoying. On Mac OS X 10.8.5, the sub windows term 1 through 7 never come forward even if the subwindow organization is saved in the player preference file. Every single time I start Angband I must go select Window/Term 1, Window/Term 2, ..., Window/Term 6 manually. This does not happen on windows 3.5.0, which restores the term windows automatically. "Windows/Bring all to front" doesn't help. -
Not sure if it's a bug or not but it sure is annoying. On Mac OS X 10.8.5, the sub windows term 1 through 7 never come forward even if the subwindow organization is saved in the player preference file. Every single time I start Angband I must go select Window/Term 1, Window/Term 2, ..., Window/Term 6 manually. This does not happen on windows 3.5.0, which restores the term windows automatically. "Windows/Bring all to front" doesn't help.takkaria whispers something about options. -more-Comment