I have a char lvl 32 HE mage who has just had an **EXTREME** lucky streak... not only have I found a Trident of Westernesse (+14,+15), but I have also found Anduril (which I'm currently armed with) and Calris, (which I'm considering, and am currently enchanting to hit). This is in vanilla angband version 3.0.6, I've been considering Calris for the constitution boost, but that CURSE has made me hesitate, any suggestions?
How should a HE Mage arm himself?
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I have a char lvl 32 HE mage who has just had an **EXTREME** lucky streak... not only have I found a Trident of Westernesse (+14,+15), but I have also found Anduril (which I'm currently armed with) and Calris, (which I'm considering, and am currently enchanting to hit). This is in vanilla angband version 3.0.6, I've been considering Calris for the constitution boost, but that CURSE has made me hesitate, any suggestions?
You can break the curse on Calris in two ways:
1. A scroll of *Remove Curse*
2. Sufficient enchanting above 0 to_hit should eventually break the curse.
Calris is a wonderful weapon for a mage in the late game, when you have the big protective spells (Destruction/Banishment/Mass Banishment.) You can just walk around annihilating and/or teleporting stuff until you find a worthy target. And you can mow down Wyrms in combat, even as a mage. But you don't want to aggravate until your character endgame powerful. -
Alright, thanks for your input Pete Mack.And I assume that if my streak continues and I find Ringil, that I should default to that weapon?
Out of curiosity, how often have you ascended? I'll admit that this is one of my most successful characters on vanilla angband. I've played tome with a sorcerer and nearly ascended, but I got bored looking for Sauron between Dlvl's 99-100, became frustrated and quit for a while... then again, the sorcerer from tome is a completely different animal from the mage in vanilla...Comment