Easiest/ Most difficult race/class combo?

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  • Scraper
    • Mar 2011
    • 94

    Easiest/ Most difficult race/class combo?

    My last game (dwarven priest) ended rather unceremoniously at the hand of *blushes* army ants, so... As the title suggests...

    What do you think are the easiest and the most difficult race/ class combinations?
  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    The most difficult races are elf and half-elf; they just don't really have anything useful going for them and they suffer from lower-than-average hitpoints.

    The easiest race is going to depend on what class you pick, but in general half-troll and high-elf are the best two. Half-trolls have gobs of hitpoints, naturally regenerate, and have their STR sustained; high-elves can naturally see invisible and have great stats. There are other good races, but these are the top of the heap IMO.

    Easiest class is probably either warrior or paladin; they're both very good melee fighters, but the paladin trades some melee and a fair amount of ranged combat prowess in exchange for getting access to holy magic. Rogues are also pretty solid; they have similar melee as the paladin, better ranged, and great stealth. But they're worse casters, and arcane magic in general is not as good for hybrid casters as holy magic is.


    • fizzix
      • Aug 2009
      • 2969

      Originally posted by Derakon
      The easiest race is going to depend on what class you pick, but in general half-troll and high-elf are the best two. Half-trolls have gobs of hitpoints, naturally regenerate, and have their STR sustained; high-elves can naturally see invisible and have great stats. There are other good races, but these are the top of the heap IMO.
      If you're playing a warrior or holy caster I find dwarves to be better than half trolls. They have nearly as much HP and innate resist blind which is superior to the troll's ability. High-elves have a huge XP penalty that you're much more likely to suffer from "grinding deaths"


      • UglySquirrell
        • Jul 2011
        • 293

        For me, i think Kobold is the easiest at pretty much any class. You dont have to worry about ppoison potions or attacks ever. Early game can use stat boosting rings instead of poison resistance, have good fighting ability, great stealth, and the most gear flexibility late Game.


        • Derakon
          • Dec 2009
          • 8820

          Originally posted by fizzix
          If you're playing a warrior or holy caster I find dwarves to be better than half trolls. They have nearly as much HP and innate resist blind which is superior to the troll's ability. High-elves have a huge XP penalty that you're much more likely to suffer from "grinding deaths"
          Dwarves are quite good; I just find the half-troll combination of regeneration and sustained STR to be much better than resisting blindness, especially for characters who do most of their damage in melee -- you don't need to see to hit things (though it does help your accuracy, I grant).

          Besides, odds are good you'll be using a Lantern of True Sight for much of the game, and those give pBlind.


          • Estie
            • Apr 2008
            • 2281

            Highelf anything for me. Trolls are very good too (and I like them better than dwarves for the reasons Derakon posted), but they lack 2 things: stealth and device. The former anyone wants, the latter is only really hitting warriors (other classes get it high enough eventually so the starting malus from troll doesnt matter much).

            The one class where I would consider anything other than highelf is mage. With their multitude of ways to get at items without killing the owner, getting XP can become a grind. Halftroll is en excellent choice here; innate regen and high hit dice easily make up for the lack of int.

            Of the available starting properties, I like see invis the best, followed by rpoison. But in the long run those dont matter that much. Stealth, hit die, device do.


            • Scraper
              • Mar 2011
              • 94

              I'm trying a half-troll warrior and am really enjoying the excess hp. I've got garbage for gear and I'm deeper than I would like to be, but I'm concurrently watching fizzix youtube vids and am trying to emulate his early/midgame style of getting gear without too many dangerous fights.

              After playing so many dwarves (last was dwarven priest, previous 3 were dwarven pallys, the last of which I actually won with) I really am missing the pblind, but the strength sustain is really nice. I don't think i've ever been so blasé about fighting red things.

              I've changed both my class and race, which is really hampering my progress, and I don't really expect to live to endgame, but it's nice to have a bit of a change, and swimming in "gobs" of hp has been really forgiving, so thanks for the expert opinions.


              • Timo Pietilä
                • Apr 2007
                • 3964

                Originally posted by Scraper
                My last game (dwarven priest) ended rather unceremoniously at the hand of *blushes* army ants, so... As the title suggests...

                What do you think are the easiest and the most difficult race/ class combinations?
                Easiest hands down is dwarf priest. Not the fastest but definitely easiest because you can outlast any single opponent in combat without risk (0% failure for heal/tele other), and can avoid opponents you don't want to fight quite easily.

                I think elf mage would be hardest. The lack of CON and low hit die really really hurts. Elf anything in fact. Elf priest maybe even worse than mage, but I don't know, priests are quite solid and WIS is easy to get.

                Hobbit/high-elf Ranger is also very good if you play it like warrior with excellent shooting ability and use magic mostly as supplement, not as mage with some fighting ability.

                Rangers are actually so good that you can easily win without using any spellbooks at all (IMO rangers have way too many spells).

                Dwarf paladin is also easy, but I find it boring which for me is quite deadly (by quitting in mid-game, not by getting killed).

                Dwarf (or any high HP/CON race in fact, even hobbits do) Warriors are also easy once you get past lack of detection part of the game (rods of detection / ESP needed). Warrior power curve is kind of excellent at beginning, sucks at mid-game, and excellent again at the end.

                High-stealth rogues are also good once you learn how to utilize that stealth properly. For Elf I think rogue is the only class where it would not suck.


                • Pete Mack
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 6697

                  I still go with High-Elf rogue (or Kobold Rogue) for go-to character class. They have phenomenal stealth and good detection, so they're the ideal combos to go to 3000' for stat gain (where even novice mages drop stat potions.)


                  • Timo Pietilä
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 3964

                    Originally posted by Pete Mack
                    I still go with High-Elf rogue (or Kobold Rogue) for go-to character class. They have phenomenal stealth and good detection, so they're the ideal combos to go to 3000' for stat gain (where even novice mages drop stat potions.)
                    I wouldn't say that as easy combo, relying to stealth is not very forgiving, one wrong move and you end up dead. It is fast in hands of skilled player but fast is not same as easy.


                    • Oramin
                      • Jun 2012
                      • 371

                      I found my Hobbit Rogue to be very easy. Of course, I was dawdling and not diving to L60 for stat potions.


                      • wobbly
                        • May 2012
                        • 2577

                        I've always found half-troll rogues fairly easy. Good hp & regen, good melee, decent stealth, good set of detection spells.


                        • Estie
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 2281

                          I love half troll rogues, but depending on where you put your starting points, they have _either_ good fighting _or_ good detection; not both. I tend to get str and dex, using rods for detection like a fighter till the intelligence gets raised.


                          • Derakon
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 8820

                            Originally posted by Estie
                            I love half troll rogues, but depending on where you put your starting points, they have _either_ good fighting _or_ good detection; not both. I tend to get str and dex, using rods for detection like a fighter till the intelligence gets raised.
                            The hybrid classes in general tend to be like this; it's not exclusive to half-trolls, just unusually exacerbated.


                            • Goldbug
                              • May 2011
                              • 25

                              Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
                              I think elf mage would be hardest. The lack of CON and low hit die really really hurts. Elf anything in fact... For Elf I think rogue is the only class where it would not suck.
                              I've been playing Elf Mages for the last week or so, trying to get my first Mage win.

                              You're not wrong about the lack of HP. My latest Elf Mage has almost maxxed CON and he's still vulnerable to anything that deals high damage.

                              Looks like I chose the wrong race. Once this character inevitably gets one-shot killed I'm going to switch to High Elf Mages. Unless someone has a suggestion for an easier Mage race.

