There appears to have been lots of posts on here about making the game more difficult and this alarms me! Sometimes this takes the form of people calling for certain monsters to be more effective, certain player utilities/abilities to be nerfed or just general difficulty levels to be increased. Don't get me wrong, balance is important but as far as I am concerned the balance of the game is great!
For what it's worth here are my thoughts on the difficulty level of vanilla...
It's really, Really, REALLY hard!
And it should be. It's part of what makes the game great.
(Historically I believe that levels 51-100 were actually added to render the game 'impossible'?)
I love the fact that in an era where most games are engineered to ensure that victory is inevitable if you stick at it long enough (e.g. Final Fantasy series), there is still this quirky, tiny bit of uber-efficient code that means I haven't even turned on my PS3 for over a year.
In the last year my success rate has been about 1%, which is just right for me - just enough to keep me interested. If, at some point in the future, this figure starts rising up to the heady heights of 10%, I might consider turning on some of the options that make the game more difficult (e.g. no selling, monsters exploit player weaknesses, disconnected stairs, ironman etc., etc.). But I strongly feel that these should remain just that, options. Why should the game be made harder when options already exist to make it so?
Maybe there should be more options to make the game harder for those that have them all turned on and still progress to one processional victory after another (or, more likely, don't enjoy the experience of playing some of them). Perhaps things like char_half_xp_gain, monster_double_hp or larger_pack_sizes, just off the top of my head.
Perhaps there should even be a variant produced which is identical to vanilla but with all of these difficulty options, all the existing ones and a few more besides turned on (RockHardBand, anyone?) so that those that find the game too easy can suffer to their hearts content.
I should add that I am utterly in awe of those people who regularly win and have nothing but respect for their angbanding abilities (especially when they make life harder for themselves than it need be (cf hallucination mushroom & Ditchdigger - incredible!). Furthermore, I'm incredibly grateful for the patience shown and advice given to me on this forum by the likes of Timo, Pete, Nick, Fizzix, Takkaria, Magnate, Derakon et al..
The thing that worries me is that the voices on this forum that tend to shout the loudest, or at least the most often, are the hardcore of players who are the most experienced and, without doubt, best players that form the top 1% of banders out there. It concerns me that the devs will hear people calling for the game to be made harder without hearing the opinions of the vast majority of players who rarely, if ever, make their views known on this forum.
Call me a newb if you like - I am one! What I'm really saying is that there already exist options for making the game harder so I don't see any need to make the default Vanilla game any more difficult than it already is.
[rant over - deep breaths]
For what it's worth here are my thoughts on the difficulty level of vanilla...
It's really, Really, REALLY hard!
And it should be. It's part of what makes the game great.
(Historically I believe that levels 51-100 were actually added to render the game 'impossible'?)
I love the fact that in an era where most games are engineered to ensure that victory is inevitable if you stick at it long enough (e.g. Final Fantasy series), there is still this quirky, tiny bit of uber-efficient code that means I haven't even turned on my PS3 for over a year.
In the last year my success rate has been about 1%, which is just right for me - just enough to keep me interested. If, at some point in the future, this figure starts rising up to the heady heights of 10%, I might consider turning on some of the options that make the game more difficult (e.g. no selling, monsters exploit player weaknesses, disconnected stairs, ironman etc., etc.). But I strongly feel that these should remain just that, options. Why should the game be made harder when options already exist to make it so?
Maybe there should be more options to make the game harder for those that have them all turned on and still progress to one processional victory after another (or, more likely, don't enjoy the experience of playing some of them). Perhaps things like char_half_xp_gain, monster_double_hp or larger_pack_sizes, just off the top of my head.
Perhaps there should even be a variant produced which is identical to vanilla but with all of these difficulty options, all the existing ones and a few more besides turned on (RockHardBand, anyone?) so that those that find the game too easy can suffer to their hearts content.
I should add that I am utterly in awe of those people who regularly win and have nothing but respect for their angbanding abilities (especially when they make life harder for themselves than it need be (cf hallucination mushroom & Ditchdigger - incredible!). Furthermore, I'm incredibly grateful for the patience shown and advice given to me on this forum by the likes of Timo, Pete, Nick, Fizzix, Takkaria, Magnate, Derakon et al..
The thing that worries me is that the voices on this forum that tend to shout the loudest, or at least the most often, are the hardcore of players who are the most experienced and, without doubt, best players that form the top 1% of banders out there. It concerns me that the devs will hear people calling for the game to be made harder without hearing the opinions of the vast majority of players who rarely, if ever, make their views known on this forum.
Call me a newb if you like - I am one! What I'm really saying is that there already exist options for making the game harder so I don't see any need to make the default Vanilla game any more difficult than it already is.
[rant over - deep breaths]