Like many people before me, I want to make a "shortened" version. However, I would like to keep most of the object and artifact development. I think this could fit well with 50 level game. The problem is uniques, there are far too many uniques for a 50 level game. I'm looking to remove the uniques that are least interesting, so this is an attempt to catalogue that. So which uniques do you find to you find the most yawn inducing. Here's my list (with some reasons why.)
Grip + fang (should be combined into a pair that shows up together.) Mughash (should be replaced with a kobold lord monster) Brodda Orfax (just boldor is enough) out of (lagduf, grishnakh, golfimbul, ufthak, shagrat, gorbag, bolg, lugdush, ugluk, azog) keep how many? which ones? Ulfast, Ulwarth (maybe should accompany ulfang) Ibun, khim are the same (should come together, maybe as escorts to Mim) Sangahyando and Angamaite should come together, or be dropped altogether Uldor (a weaker version of ulfang) Lokkak Bert Bill Tom (should come as a trio without escorts) Queen ant (I feel many ants and this unique are misplaced in difficulty. She's uninteresting where she is, but could be neat earlier.) Castamir Rogrog Vargo, Waldern, Quaker, Ariel (no drops, so just avoid) Scatha, Itangast Balrog of Moria (Lungorthin and Gothmog are enough) Lernean Hydra (enough fire breathing uniques, no need for this one) Arien (same as above) Radagast (why stronger than Saruman, why summon Maia and not animals?) Cat lord Out of Polyphemus, Atlas, Kronos, probably keep 1 Omarax Feagwath (weaker version of Vecna) Cantoras Huan (why are you fighting it? If it stays it should come with Carcharoth) The 9 ringwraiths are not terribly interesting. Perhaps make them all weaker and have them arrive together as escorts for the witch-king.