That seems odd, since stealth skill ranges from 0 to 30, and at 0 there's only a 1 in 1024 chance of a monster not being disturbed. Of course, disturbance doesn't translate immediately into waking up (some monsters are deeper sleepers than others), but I'd be surprised if you could avoid waking things up when your stealth is at 0, even later in the game when your speed means that stealth checks are made less often.
That seems odd, since stealth skill ranges from 0 to 30, and at 0 there's only a 1 in 1024 chance of a monster not being disturbed. Of course, disturbance doesn't translate immediately into waking up (some monsters are deeper sleepers than others), but I'd be surprised if you could avoid waking things up when your stealth is at 0, even later in the game when your speed means that stealth checks are made less often.Comment
If you're within 50 tiles of the monster, then they'll lose 2 "sleepiness" each check (within 33 tiles, 3; within 25, 4; etc). While it's true that Istar have 255 sleepiness when spawned, most non-dragon/demon/ainur top out around 50 and are usually quite a bit lower (lots are only at 10). IIRC telepathy has a radius of 24 tiles, meaning that if you can see a monster with it, then it'll be losing 4 sleepiness/check -- and has already lost quite a bit at 2/check and 1/check when you couldn't see it.
I think the main problem we run into with stealth is the fact that if you're twice as fast then you're effectively also twice as stealthy (as measured in how many player turns pass before the monster wakes up). Noise really ought to be normalized such that speed makes no difference to stealth. Arguably it should make you noisier, but I think that has important balance ramifications; I'd just be happy if late-game monsters were about as easy to wake up for a given investment in stealth as early-game monsters are.Comment
In fact, at 0 stealth you're quite likely to wake faraway monsters up before they ever get activated, since you'll almost always disturb monsters (1 in 1024 chance to not disturb them), and the minimum decrement to a monster's sleepiness is 1 regardless of distance to the player or any monster attributes.
But yes, monsters with low vision are functionally asleep until the player gets close. However, that's true whether or not the player is aggravating.Comment
Actually, the monster's vision range has no effect whatsoever on stealth -- you can wake the monster up from across the map if you're unstealthy enough. From what I can tell, the "vision" range for a monster simply is part of the determination for whether the monster should be processed (i.e. gets a turn). From monster/melee2.c, a monster gets processed if they're within their vision range, they've been injured, the player can see them, or they can "flow" to the player (which has a similar range check based on the monster's vision, so I believe this call is redundant).
In fact, at 0 stealth you're quite likely to wake faraway monsters up before they ever get activated, since you'll almost always disturb monsters (1 in 1024 chance to not disturb them), and the minimum decrement to a monster's sleepiness is 1 regardless of distance to the player or any monster attributes.
But yes, monsters with low vision are functionally asleep until the player gets close. However, that's true whether or not the player is aggravating.
I also think that in your list "if player can see monster" is actually reverse "if monster can see player". These checks are done even if you are outside of monster detection range, but flow check has vision range check because monsters can flow to player from across the dungeon, so without that check monster would always get a turn and be processed. This is best evident with ghosts that flee from you, if they are in a wall they run until they are outside of their detection range and then stop. Ghosts can always flow to player (unless contained in permanent walls).Comment
You're right, of course. I don't know what I was thinking; the first part of process_monster (a.k.a. "monster gets a turn") is the bit that deals with the monster waking up or not.Comment
OTOH bad stealth can be worse than aggravation in case of some monsters: low stealth can wake things up across the entire dungeon if the monster detection range is good enough, while aggravation works only at telepathy range.Comment
But mostly, those monsters can't path to you anyway, so it's a moot point. The only ones where it's probably relevant are adunaphel, maeglin (and maybe tselakus?). The first two at least will continue hunting you down from across the level once they're awake.Comment
One thing we could easily try is increasing the vision range for all monsters to be at least max sight range. That would be easy to do (it's just a modification to monster.txt). It's unclear to me what exactly the benefits are of having monsters with low vision (15 or lower).Comment
One thing we could easily try is increasing the vision range for all monsters to be at least max sight range. That would be easy to do (it's just a modification to monster.txt). It's unclear to me what exactly the benefits are of having monsters with low vision (15 or lower).Comment