Favourite / hated classes?

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  • Seany C
    • Apr 2007
    • 283

    Favourite / hated classes?

    I just realised (when reading some ladder dumps) that I've probably played about 4 Warriors in 11 years of 'banding. Basically, I started with a Warrior playnng Moria in ye olden days and hated the lack of detection and ranged spells so much that I switched to spellcasters and never moved back. On the same grounds, I've hardly ever played Half-Orcs/Half-Trolls either...

    Anyone else have particular bugbears about certain classes or races*?

    *'banding ones, before this goes all BNP...
  • pav
    • Apr 2007
    • 793

    I have never played a single warrior character in my entire banding career. I'm just not interested. I prefer rangers, paladins and priests. I was especially fond of Ey bards, thou.
    See the elves and everything! http://angband.oook.cz


    • myron
      • Jan 2008
      • 13

      I rarely if ever play priests...not sure why...but I'll play just about any other class...in variants like Ey, Cth or Z I like playing characters that can "change"...beastmen, broo, angels/demons etc....rarely win with them but they are constantly different...


      • will_asher
        DaJAngband Maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 1124

        I've had a halfway decent game (for me) with every vanilla class except the mage. Mages die way too easily for me, I think I've gotten far enough to get the identify spell twice. Since I'm someone who likes veriety, I still try mages sometimes and I've never gotten anywhere, but now I've got the urge to try one again..

        just tried a mage in DaJAngband and died on dL3 to a group of wasps
        Last edited by will_asher; February 13, 2008, 20:42.
        aka LibraryAdventurer

        My old variant DaJAngband:
        http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


        • Paffa
          • May 2007
          • 38

          I dislike warriors. I'm just so used to magic, can't live without it in V

          Haven't tried a rogue either. I've won with other classes in V except warrior and rogue. Maybe I'll give it a try next time


          • rawuest
            • Jul 2007
            • 19

            Well in Vanilla I've always preferred mages(back in the days of GoI) always thought of warriors as being so dumb the first 20 levels are nothing to a warrior, but very hard ot every spell caster. It is much easier to get a warrior going down the dungeon, but very hard managing the inventory as you get deeper. Races? I just let the randomizer choose my race.

            In Varients, I love the druids in O, and even have fun with Ent Druids. I also love giving the Rogue/Thief a set trap ability. The Maiar race is to overpowered, even in comparison to V's High-Elf or Dunadain. The Shadow fairy race is fun to try and get a character going, best when used with mage or rogue. In Z I just love the randomness of the Chaos Warrior and Beastman. But, I rarely combine the 2 since a Chaos Warrior rarely keeps his original race. Haven't tried any other varients.


            • EricDerKonig
              • Jan 2008
              • 9

              I used to have fun with High-Elf Warriors in vanilla, back before I was any good (relatively speaking). Now I've gotten so used to playing spellcasters and 'fun' variant-classes that its hard to play warrior-types in Vanilla. Even my Priest's Detect Evil feels inadequate compared to Detect Monsters.


              • Pete Mack
                • Apr 2007
                • 6883

                I like Warrior and NPP Rogue/Brigand: all are good for diving fast.
                Priest/Paladin is good for a change of pace: bad stealth, different spell set.

                I really don't like Mage: bad HP and lousy offense until very late in the game.


                • Koboldfriend
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 3

                  I only play Vanilla, but I like rangers best.
                  I dislike warriors. Up-close combat is not my strong point, no matter what I play as.
                  Race, Kobolds. Because they make great rangers, in my opinion. And I think they get a bonus to tunneling, but I'm not sure. Tunneling is how I make money for arrows and food.


                  • daft
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 17

                    I tend to like the polar opposites...fighters and mages. I like fighters because of the ease at the beginning. I once played a half-troll fighter and didn't know that I was killing monsters with my bare hands until 150' down. I had forgotten to wield my sword.

                    Mages, on the other hand, are real wimps at the beginning but they can turn into pretty lethal characters if you let them stay on the outskirts and hug the stairs for awhile.

                    I am currently playing a human ranger, which is turning out to be a nice combination of skull-thumping fighter and long range spell caster.
                    "Beer: the 5th food group"


                    • z118
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 61

                      For as long as I've played seriously I have only played as a dwarf priest. Resist blindness is great and orb of draining rocks. I just can't bring myself to try anyhting else. Maybe someday...


                      • Shadow Knight
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 21

                        I kept making half troll warriors cause im a terrible mage but then I saw someone with a high elf warrior so i tried it and its actually very good he barely fails using magical equipment its like a mage/warrior cross it works wonders (so far =)


                        • Dragonboneman
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 182

                          I'm experimenting with races I never use, and currently have my first ever human character on the go (a paladin). I might even try a kobold next.
                          My favourite classes are Rangers and Warriors, but I've never really gotten anywhere with Priests or especially Rogues.


                          • Rizwan
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 292

                            I almost always play Human/HighElf/Dunadan Fighter/Paladin/Ranger. Somehow I have never tried other races or classes. Maybe if I win once I might think of trying other combinations.


                            • Elsairon
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 117

                              Generally warriors or mages. I've tried the others but I tend to get deeper with those.

