I'm going to change the birth options on my personal copy to create a challenge option that I want to play. I guess the question is whether people want this in Vanilla also. I'd be happy to pull request it into V if desired. I've described this before, but I plan to start working on this tonight.
Ironman gets split into two separate options. birth_no_recall and birth_force_descend.
birth_no_recall makes wands and rods of recall do nothing. It has no other effect on gameplay.
birth_force_descend causes upstairs to not function and downstairs to always drop you to max_depth + 1. This includes the downstairs in town. Recall will still function almost as normal and will bring you to level 0, or max_depth+1 if you are already in town. Teleport level and monsters teleporting you will always move you down unless you are on a quest level or the level below in which case they will not work. (maybe self-cast scrolls and spells should work, but enemy spells should not?)
Recall will not work on quest levels if the quest monster has not been killed.
You will be prompted before descending to dlevel 99 and again before descending to dlevel 100 because you will not be able to recall from those levels.
birth_no_stores gets removed entirely, it essentially gets replaced with birth_forced_descend. The reason for removing this option is that it adds no changes to game functionality that can't be obtained by just choosing not to enter a store.
I will ensure that setting both options recreates current "ironman" gameplay exactly.
Ironman gets split into two separate options. birth_no_recall and birth_force_descend.
birth_no_recall makes wands and rods of recall do nothing. It has no other effect on gameplay.
birth_force_descend causes upstairs to not function and downstairs to always drop you to max_depth + 1. This includes the downstairs in town. Recall will still function almost as normal and will bring you to level 0, or max_depth+1 if you are already in town. Teleport level and monsters teleporting you will always move you down unless you are on a quest level or the level below in which case they will not work. (maybe self-cast scrolls and spells should work, but enemy spells should not?)
Recall will not work on quest levels if the quest monster has not been killed.
You will be prompted before descending to dlevel 99 and again before descending to dlevel 100 because you will not be able to recall from those levels.
birth_no_stores gets removed entirely, it essentially gets replaced with birth_forced_descend. The reason for removing this option is that it adds no changes to game functionality that can't be obtained by just choosing not to enter a store.
I will ensure that setting both options recreates current "ironman" gameplay exactly.