Randomly Generated Artifacts

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  • Egavactip
    • Mar 2012
    • 443

    Randomly Generated Artifacts

    So how does "Randomly Generated Artifacts" work? Does having it on make the game better?
  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    It makes it different, certainly. The way it works, broadly, is that it calculates a power level for every "standard" artifact in the game (everything except the One Ring and Morgoth's Crown), and then generates a new artifact whose power level is reasonably close to that level. The new artifact does not necessarily have the same base type as the original -- Ringil might incarnate as a shield, or Cubragol as a whip -- but the game tries to ensure that each equipment slot is fairly represented.

    Jewelry and light sources are a bit different; the randarts keep the same base type as their standard predecessors, so e.g. the Phial of Galadriel will always be a Phial of Something with a roughly similar power level.

    One thing to note is that the standard artifact set is designed (intentionally or not) so that many common artifacts complement each other nicely. For example, Thorin is a common and very powerful shield that doesn't give any basic resistances, which is normally bad -- but several of the common body armor artifacts at around its depth do give all four basic resists, so they work together nicely. You don't necessarily get that kind of synergy from the random artifacts; the power of each is ascertained independent of the others.


    • Starhawk
      • Sep 2010
      • 243

      I occasionally switch to randarts just for some relief from monotony. I make it to the midgame a lot, but am not quite patient enough to grind out win after win... so I end up dying. And when playing the early game over and over, finding the same (@*&! artifacts every game can get really old!

      So I switch to randarts for a couple weeks and everything is better.

      Derakon is right though, sometimes you end up with some really weird resistance holes with randarts...

