Acquirement scrolls

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  • UglySquirrell
    • Jul 2011
    • 293

    Acquirement scrolls

    I'm kind of curious how these work, are the items you get, or the quality of them affected by the level you read them on? Or is it completely random. I read a lot in my last game at around 90+ feet and didn't notice much difference, if any, from reading them when they first show up.
  • LostTemplar
    • Aug 2009
    • 629

    It seems to give you mace of slay troll most of the time.


    • Derakon
      • Dec 2009
      • 8820

      They are affected by the level on which you read them. However, if I recall correctly they are exactly equivalent to getting one DROP_GREAT effect (or 1-3 such effects for *Aquirement*). In the deeps, so many items are getting that effect already that getting one more is not particularly impressive, nor likely to yield something useful compared to your already-powerful equipment.

      Thus, I always read them as soon as I find them. A sword of Slay Troll might actually get used at 1000', thereby helping me reach the deeper levels; that same sword at 4500' is merely a disappointment.

      EDIT: amusement! LostTemplar mentioned maces of slay troll. I hadn't read his post when I made mine.


      • fizzix
        • Aug 2009
        • 2969

        The big difference is that ACQ spells get a guaranteed DROP_GREAT flag meaning they're 4x more likely than other objects to be turned into an artifact. There are not too many monsters with DROP_GREAT and they are all Uniques (i think) so this is actually a benefit.

        As to whether to read them immediately or save them, I think this goes to play style. If you are a slow player and do a lot of clearing, you probably have pretty decent gear and you only really care about uber gear. In that case, saving them until dlevel 99 is a pretty good strategy. If you diver fairly strongly *or* have trouble with dying in the middle game, then you should probably read them immediately.


        • UglySquirrell
          • Jul 2011
          • 293

          Lol, slay troll or robe of resist fire, although I got the last spellbook on level 47 once on my ironman mage so I always have high hopes.


          • awldune
            • Dec 2007
            • 107

            Depth increases your odds of getting certain "deep" items, and your odds of getting high "plusses" on ego items.

            As other have mentioned, there is still a relatively good chance that you will get some junk item like a shield of resist electricity.


            • NotMorgoth
              • Feb 2008
              • 229

              "Lol." I've obviously been playing too much Dungeon Crawl. I read the above post and thought "wow, a shield of resist elec is an awesome item."

