Suggestions for pickup command

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    • Jun 2010
    • 316

    Suggestions for pickup command

    I have a couple of suggestions for tweaking the pickup command.

    First, when you attempt to pick up a stack of items and you have fewer free slots than items in the stack, it stops prompting you to pick up additional items when you run out of slots. However, later in the game, it is common to have many quality squelch settings set to "non-artifact", leading to many items being dropped immediately on pickup. When this happens, I would like it to keep prompting to pickup additional items until you have filled your inventory with unsquelched items.

    Second, I would like it if, when picking up a stack of items, there would be a "*" option in addition to a, b, c, etc. Pressing * would result in the entire stack being picked up at once, or as many items as would fit into inventory. Even better would be to combine this with the above suggestion and allow for picking up stacks with more items than available inventory slots if it turns out that some are immediately squelched on pickup.

    Combined, I think these suggestions would make dealing with large stacks later in the game somewhat less tedious.
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