Another amusing message

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  • Max Stats
    • Jun 2010
    • 316

    Another amusing message

    "The Winged Horror twitters in agony."

    Wow, who knew that birds even had cell phones, much less the capability to text out messages of 140 characters or less describing how much that last blast from my Rod of Fire Bolts really left it smarting. I wonder what nasty things they are posting about me?

    And how the heck are they getting reception at 2650 feet below ground?
    If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?
  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Originally posted by Max Stats
    And how the heck are they getting reception at 2650 feet below ground?
    Repeater stations at every staircase, naturally.


    • Timo Pietilä
      • Apr 2007
      • 3964

      Originally posted by Max Stats
      "The Winged Horror twitters in agony."

      Wow, who knew that birds even had cell phones, much less the capability to text out messages of 140 characters or less describing how much that last blast from my Rod of Fire Bolts really left it smarting. I wonder what nasty things they are posting about me?
      This requires this:

      Note especially the last panel.


      • Tiburon Silverflame
        • Feb 2010
        • 403

        Actually, the permanent rock surrounding the entire dungeon is made of a material that makes it a perfect antenna. Also, the Horror has an advanced Android phone which has speech recognition.

        Posted by Huan:
        "Fresh Meat!"

        Posted by Azriel:
        "Silly, silly mortal....."

        Posted by Ancagalon:
        "He calls THAT a fire attack????"


        • Bostock
          • Aug 2007
          • 333

          Originally posted by Derakon
          Repeater stations at every staircase, naturally.
          How does the signal navigate the maze of staircases, though?
          So you ride yourselves over the fields and you make all your animal deals and your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.

