It's not a big deal, but the ['e] in smeagol is just appearing as a space for me; using 3.2.0.
Just met Sm agol
Just met Sm agol
My first winner! Link, the Kobold Warrior!
My second winner! Cailet, the Hobbit Mage!
Damned be those who use High Elves, for they are the race of the weak!Tags: None -
hi, i had the same issue on windows 7 64bit, but i know why~ let me explain, eee
i was unhappy with the default font of 320 so i copied the one from 3122 over it and used that, when i saw smeagol i made post saying about it like this, someone said some faa extended font was the same as 3122 but would work, alas it looked bad also, so i ended up just using the default but upped the size a bit, sorry im not complaining is just the new font of 320 doesnt look good to me. ty and i hope you get it going, but it sound like you are using default anyway so idk! hooo!~~eek
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