Mages & Heal

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  • cofresi
    • Nov 2009
    • 46

    Perhaps the solution lies in:

    a) changing mages CLW into some Healing Salve/Mending spell that does what clw does (lessens cuts, etc.) but with a lower degree of healing. As I said in a similar post, the idea of mages having a spell named CLW is just wrong to me.

    b) Giving priests/paladins something akin to 'Spiritual Hammer' from the old D&D AD&D polyhedron rolling games. ie. to bless a 'Hammer' (or thrown object).
    He once had an awkward moment with a Morgoth, just to see what it felt like. Should he ever be cut, rubies would spill from his veins.

    He is: the most Interesting @ in the world.

