What Melee weapon do you recommend for a mage?

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  • xuroy
    • May 2024
    • 6

    What Melee weapon do you recommend for a mage?

    I'm relatively new to Angband. I was wondering if I could get some advice on what Melee weapon a mage should use. I know it depends on the race, probably; I'm a Gnome Mage. Daggers are light, but deal little damage. I know mages aren't meant for melee combat, but (at least at lower levels), SP is scarce, and I'm not sure if 1d4 will be sufficient when I'm out of SP and arrows. I've been using a Main Gauche, which only weighs 3lb and deals 1d5, but is a cutlass maybe a better option?
    IDK. Maybe mages are only meant for daggers. Any advice?
  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    Press e, 'e'xamine, the weapon. It'll tell you damage per a round. Early game a mage will only get 1 blow, no matter the weapon weight, bigger and heavier is better. Its counter intuitive, warriors in the early game want what ever is lightest and gives the most blows, mages want what ever is heaviest and gives the most damage per a blow.


    • Sky
      • Oct 2016
      • 2309

      a Mage should use a melee weapon that
      1. is light, and/or
      2. gives +2 INT (*slay* animals or demons) and/or
      3. has ESP

      if you are looking to deal damage in a way that isn't spells, at most look for a sling of power, but really, you shouldn't. If you want to melee monsters, play a Blackguard.
      "i can take this dracolich"


      • xuroy
        • May 2024
        • 6

        Originally posted by Sky
        a Mage should use a melee weapon that
        1. is light, and/or
        2. gives +2 INT (*slay* animals or demons) and/or
        3. has ESP

        if you are looking to deal damage in a way that isn't spells, at most look for a sling of power, but really, you shouldn't. If you want to melee monsters, play a Blackguard.
        Well, I found the dagger, Narthanc, and it's been a good way to kill weak monsters without using mana, as well as it's range capabilities. I should probably be relying on it less and less as a get deeper down, though


        • Bogatyr
          • Feb 2014
          • 525

          Originally posted by xuroy

          Well, I found the dagger, Narthanc, and it's been a good way to kill weak monsters without using mana, as well as it's range capabilities. I should probably be relying on it less and less as a get deeper down, though
          An early artifact dagger with the bolt activation is very useful. Otherwise as a mage I only use weapons for their boosts and effects, with the emphasis on +INT, the lighter the better. I also never waste a pound on any armor unless it comes with key boosts, resists, or effects. I carry shots and flasks of oil right at the start just until I can fully rely on magic missile, which happens pretty soon. If I land in close quarters melee I consider it a result of laziness or failure to detect enough. I max INT at char creation at the expense of CON, and boomerang levels by learning and casting new spells. I love mages, I feel claustrophic with any other class -- where you have no idea what's lurking around the corner.


          • Jbone
            • Mar 2024
            • 3

            NIce thing about mages is that their physical damage isnt really factor, I almost never melee enemies. So I use whatever weapon gives you a nice stat bonus or resistance. Early in the game any weapon that gives you an intelligence bonus is awesome. I am also quite found of anything that gives strength(that way you can carry more) or constitution so you dont die.

            Happy diving!

