Borg seems to love them some arrows. He buys up to 50 every time in town. Is there a way to make him bulk buy instead of 1 at a time?
Borg buy arrow quantities
There is code in the borg_think_shop_buy_useful() (borg-think-store-buy.c) that is supposed to make him consider arrows 5 at a time. That is where he is deciding what to buy. Then when he gets to borg_think_shop_buy() (same source) where the actual "key strokes for being in the right store" is done, it looks like he always just buys one at a time.... I think this is an artifact of the old haggling interface. This part of the borg just hasn't been updated since then. The comment even says "Accept the price" which, since there isn't an option to haggle anymore, doesn't make any sense. I could probably change it to buy in bunches, but it will take some experimenting.