Sauron is down, what's the plan now?

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  • Psi
    • Apr 2007
    • 848

    What I persuaded Nick to do in FA was to make Morgoth also carve out the 8 squares around him when he moves.


    • cofresi
      • Nov 2009
      • 46

      Here I thought this tread was dead.
      Spurred on by Powerdiver's expected mage win (and kudos to your skill) I decided to go for it with what consumables I had so as not to be upstaged for too long.

      I used Fizzix's "wienie strategy for Morgoth (for a Mage)" with some variation. I entered the level at the very center and after banishing Z and L teleported to a corner and started destructing the edge the dungeon starting at 9 o'clock when M finally came into view. My initial problem was that I was not familiar with his pathing so trying to get find the right spot relative to his angle of approach and at times guessing which areas had rubble and which did not (took a manabolt for guessing wrong once), thus losing several key opportunities. The few !*Healing* & !mana pots/charged magi staves, and inexperience with M made this a memorable fight. Ocassionaly I would make doors and phase to fill in gaps, but did not teleport from the area. Had I been aware of the trick shot technique, I'd surely have used it.

      That said, dhegler's description is an implementation of shooting at an angle.

      ########p--------X <-- aim at the X so your missile crosses one line down and hits him

      is comparable to the picture below, where the foe would be at 0 : (this was actually posted by schroeder. ).

      Still, all that flew out the window in the big fight. Thus making it more memorable (ie. scarier).

      Originally posted by Psi
      What I persuaded Nick to do in FA was to make Morgoth also carve out the 8 squares around him when he moves.
      Now that actually feels oppressive.
      Last edited by cofresi; December 19, 2009, 00:42. Reason: correcting the #s on diagram.
      He once had an awkward moment with a Morgoth, just to see what it felt like. Should he ever be cut, rubies would spill from his veins.

      He is: the most Interesting @ in the world.


      • dhegler
        • Sep 2009
        • 252

        I just kept teleporting, trying to get him in LoS, but his tunneling made it so tough to keep him from meleeing my mage, I took my chances on him trying to Manastorm me to death, then healing. Then, I realized I can shoot my bolts using what you called the hockey stick approach. I still don't see how you can get to Morgoth by destructing everything around you... I see how you're not in his LoS, but don't know how you will hit him. Unless you had some staves of power and 2 dozen recharge scrolls, or unlimited mana to recharge them and they didn't break first.


        • Derakon
          • Dec 2009
          • 8820

          LOS is not symmetric; in other words, there are situations in which you can see (and hit) enemies and they can't see (or hit) you. As a general rule, any enemy you can see can be shot by an appropriately-targeted bolt, unless the enemy is out of range.

          Some variants have setups where you can see but not shoot enemies in certain locations, including the hockeysitcks.

