How deep can I go?

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  • Sirridan
    • May 2009
    • 545

    How deep can I go?

    I am very happy with this guy right now, I actually have rpoison for once, a very good weapon, full base resists, rblind, free action and see invis from high elf.

    I'm worried about my lack of speed, but I got a staff of speed off the black market to help mitigate that. Otherwise I think I'm ready to plow my way down to level 50 or 60, what do you think? Or should I go even lower?

    I also see r1447 is available, what's changed between r1445 and that?

    I'm having fun learning the code, checked out trunk the other day, going to put my 1 semester away from completion BS in CS to use here and see what I can learn.

    Dump below:

      [Angband 3.1.1 dev (r1445) Character Dump]
     Name   Quill                                    Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
     Sex    Male         Age            104   STR:  18/10  +1  +2  +7 18/110
     Race   High-Elf     Height          93   INT:     14  +3  +1  +0     18
     Class  Rogue        Weight         218   WIS:     10  -1  -2  +3     10
     Title  Burglar      Social       Liked   DEX:     14  +3  +3  +0  18/20
     HP     213/213      Maximize         Y   CON:     14  +1  +1  +0     16
     SP     26/26                             CHR:     11  +5  -1  +3     18
     Level               23   Armor    [23,+39]     Saving Throw         72%
     Cur Exp          21616   Fight    (+7,+16)     Stealth           Superb
     Max Exp          21616   Melee   (+20,+33)     Fighting          Superb
     Adv Exp          22950   Shoot   (+16,+11)     Shooting          Superb
     MaxDepth   1700' (L34)   Blows      2/turn     Disarming            85%
     Turns           225678   Shots      2/turn     Magic Device      Superb
     Gold              5034   Infra       40 ft     Perception       1 in 12
     Burden       143.2 lbs   Speed      Normal     Searching            35%
     You are one of several children of a Telerin Ranger.  You have light
     grey eyes, straight blond hair, and a fair complexion.
     Acid:......+...... Confu:.........+...
     Elec:....+.+...... Sound:.............
     Fire:+.....+...... Shard:.............
     Cold:......+...... Nexus:.............
     Pois:+............ Nethr:.............
     Fear:............. Chaos:.............
     Lite:............+ Disen:.............
     Dark:............. S.Dig:+............
    Blind:............. Feath:...........+.
    PLite:............. Aggrv:.............
    Regen:+............ Stea.:.............
    Telep:............. Sear.:.............
    Invis:............+ Infra:............+
    FrAct:+............ Tunn.:.............
    HLife:............. Speed:.............
    ImpHP:............. Blows:.............
    ImpSP:............. Shots:.+...........
     Fear:............. Might:.............
      [Character Equipment]
    a) The Zweihander 'Gurthang' (3d6) (+13,+17) (+2)
         +2 strength.
         *Slays* dragons.
         Branded with flames, venom.
         Provides resistance to fire, poison.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
         Slows your metabolism.
         Speeds regeneration.
         Prevents paralysis.
         Combat info:
         2 blows/round.
         Average damage/hit: 69 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, 69 vs.
         creatures not resistant to poison, 91.9 vs. dragons, and 46.1 vs.
    b) a Light Crossbow of Extra Shots (x3) (+9,+11) (+1)
         +1 shooting speed.
    c) a Beryl Ring of Damage (+0,+9)
    d) a Garnet Ring of Strength (+5)
         +5 strength.
         Sustains strength.
    e) a Silver Amulet of Resist Lightning
         Provides resistance to lightning.
         Cannot be harmed by electricity.
    f) a Lantern (Everburning)
         Radius 2 light.
    g) Metal Scale Mail of Resistance (-2) [12,+12]
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
    h) (nothing)
    i) a Wicker Shield [2,+2]
    j) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3)
         +3 wisdom, charisma.
         Provides resistance to confusion.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
    k) (nothing)
    l) a Pair of Steel Shod Boots of Slow Descent [6,+11]
         Feather Falling.
      [Character Inventory]
    a) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners]
    b) 5 Rations of Food
    c) 25 Black Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
    d) 24 Scrolls titled "per queo" of Phase Door
    e) 10 Scrolls titled "pentus me" of Teleportation {!*}
    f) a Scroll titled "sicuicio" of Teleport Level {!*}
    g) 10 Scrolls titled "pro osus laceo" of Word of Recall {!*}
    h) a Pewter Wand of Stone to Mud (6 charges)
    i) a Mistletoe Staff of Detect Evil (9 charges)
    j) 3 Banyan Staves of Teleportation (20 charges)
    k) an Oak Staff of Speed (7 charges)
      [Home Inventory]
    a) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks]
    b) 2 Scrolls titled "infectus sitas" of Remove Curse
    c) a Steel Rod of Door/Stair Location
    d) 2 Runed Staves of Identify (8 charges)
    e) a Topaz Ring of Constitution (+2)
         +2 constitution.
         Sustains constitution.
    f) Hard Leather Armour of Resistance (-1) [8,+10]
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold.
         Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold.
    g) a Short Bow (x2) (+6,+5)
             1      0'    1   Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
          7878     50'    2   Reached level 2
         11749    150'    2   Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog
         11749    150'    3   Reached level 3
         15733    200'    4   Reached level 4
         16723    250'    5   Reached level 5
         21276    250'    6   Reached level 6
         23809    250'    7   Reached level 7
         24780    300'    7   Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog
         45083    400'    8   Reached level 8
         48154    400'    8   Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
         48154    400'    9   Reached level 9
         53823    500'   10   Reached level 10
         57981    500'   11   Reached level 11
         95487    750'   12   Reached level 12
         96510    750'   13   Reached level 13
         96800    750'   13   Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
         98961    750'   13   Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
         98961    750'   14   Reached level 14
        107902    750'   15   Reached level 15
        115886    800'   16   Reached level 16
        127743    950'   17   Reached level 17
        140893   1000'   18   Reached level 18
        148515      0'   18   Found The Metal Cap of Thengel
        156594   1200'   18   Found The Iron Helm of Gorlim (LOST)
        157245   1250'   18   Killed Brodda, the Easterling
        158797   1250'   18   Killed Ibun, Son of Mim
        166327   1350'   19   Reached level 19
        169383   1450'   20   Reached level 20
        178189      0'   20   Killed Farmer Maggot
        185012   1500'   20   Found The Zweihander 'Gurthang'
        189884   1550'   21   Reached level 21
        197734   1550'   22   Reached level 22
        212943   1700'   23   Reached level 23
    Maximize effect of race/class bonuses        : yes (adult_maximize)
    Randomize some of the artifacts (beta)       : no  (adult_randarts)
    Restrict the use of stairs/recall            : no  (adult_ironman)
    Restrict the use of stores/home              : no  (adult_no_stores)
    Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
    Don't stack objects on the floor             : no  (adult_no_stacking)
    Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (adult_no_preserve)
    Don't generate connected stairs              : no  (adult_no_stairs)
    Adult: Monsters chase current location       : yes (adult_ai_sound)
    Adult: Monsters chase recent locations       : yes (adult_ai_smell)
    Adult: Monsters act smarter in groups        : yes (adult_ai_packs)
    Adult: Monsters learn from their mistakes    : no  (adult_ai_learn)
    Adult: Monsters exploit players weaknesses   : no  (adult_ai_cheat)
    Adult: Monsters behave more intelligently (broken): no  (adult_ai_smart)
    Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
    Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
    Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
    Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
    Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
    Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)
  • Sirridan
    • May 2009
    • 545

    I strongly dislike skull druj's


    • Zikke
      • Jun 2008
      • 1028

      Originally posted by Sirridan
      I strongly dislike skull druj's
      Me too... I'm guessing you met a painful death to a nether bolt of some sort?

      I didn't know the answer to your first question so I didn't answer. What level were you at?
      A(3.1.0b) CWS "Fyren_V" NEW L:50 DL:127 A++ R+++ Sp+ w:The Great Axe of Eonwe
      A/FA W H- D c-- !f PV+++ s? d P++ M+
      C- S+ I- !So B ac++ GHB? SQ? !RQ V F:


      • Sirridan
        • May 2009
        • 545

        Originally posted by Zikke
        Me too... I'm guessing you met a painful death to a nether bolt of some sort?

        I didn't know the answer to your first question so I didn't answer. What level were you at?
        The Shambling Mound shrieks.
        It points at you screaming the word DIE!
        You are trapped in a vortex!
        It casts a plasma bolt.
        You die.

        All in one turn before I can even move out of LOS... I knew the druj was there in the vault I was just hoping I wasn't in LOS of it, I must have forgotten where it was exactly and moved into the line of fire.

        As for level, it was charlevel 29 in dungeon level 56 or something.

