Death mold description bug?

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  • Rizwan
    • Jun 2007
    • 280

    Death mold description bug?

    Is the death mold description a bug? It says that they move very quickly and then a line or so further down it says they don't move I tried serching the forum but did not find any threads on this. Sorry if its already been done to death
  • d_m
    Angband Devteam member
    • Aug 2008
    • 1516

    That's not a bug although it's confusing.

    What it means is that if you stand next to a death mold they will get a lot of attacks against you, but they won't move around and chase you.

    Instead of "moves very quickly" it means "acts very quickly."


    • Pete Mack
      • Apr 2007
      • 6697

      I understand what you are saying but still:
      It is the epitome of all that is evil, in a mold. Its lifeless form draws power from sucking the souls of those that approach it, a nimbus of pure evil surrounds it.
      Luckily for you, it can't move.
      It's right up there with the description of Azriel for accuracy and entertainment.

      The same detailed description should also say something like: "it is ever vigilant for intruders whom it can sense at 200', but does not deign chase."


      • Rizwan
        • Jun 2007
        • 280

        Ah thanks. It is confusing

