Angband 3.0.9 released

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  • takkaria
    • Apr 2007
    • 1895

    Angband 3.0.9 released

    Angband 3.0.9 is a bugfix version of 3.0.8, mostly. Thanks go to the many people who reported bugs, helped track them down, and especially to those who provided patches.

    + console:
    RISC OS:

    Mac port coming soon, hopefully.

    The Windows console build needs the main Windows archive in order to run it, since the console archive only contains the extra console executable.

    If you want 32x32 graphics on the X11 or Windows versions, grab the following file and unzip it in lib/xtra:

    • Add 'K' command to "mark item kind as squelch".
    • Add squelch_worthless option; does what it says on the tin.
    • Fix use of an uninitialised variable. (ctate)
    • Restore the "jump into trap and don't autopickup" command. It doesn't "flip pickup" in the same way the old command did.
    • Always cast to (unsigned char) for the islower(), isdigit(), etc functions
    • Make graphics for flavoured items work properly in the object browser.
    • Fix command menu display in bigtile menu via something of a hack.
    • Display full monster picture in monster list in bigtile mode.
    • Fix obviously wrong code in main-gcu. (William McBrine)
    • Make disturb_panel work again (this is a 3.0.6 bug).
    • Add _GNU_SOURCE define to silence setresgid() errors.
    • Give items that provide light descriptions in obj-info.c.
    • Describe the NO_FUEL flag.
    • Fix behaviour of the LITE flag.
    • Collect Banishment effects into one big lump sum. Death now comes quickly.
    • Use better spell and object descriptions. (Hugo Kornelis)
    • Added <click> or 'g' to some prompts where they are now acceptable inputs.
    • Fix acid damage of objects to make it a chance rather than a certainty.
    • Don't count hidden squelchable objects when deciding where to place things in monster drops (or whatever). This should stop drops from killing a monster appearing miles away from that monster with nothing appearing in between.
    • Make 'Glyph of Warding' 'shove' items out of the way when created on a spot.
    • Fix bug in removal of autoinscriptions
    • "!d" stops squelch auto-dropping things, and "!k" marks an object not to be squelched.
    • (Windows) Open windows in reverse order so the Term 5 is behind Term 4 is behind Term 3 and so on.
    • (GTK) Remember user preferences.
    • Miscellaneous small things reported by Hugo Kornelis.
      (for more info, see <>)
    • Rewrite description of birth_no_preserve to make it even less ambiguous.
    • Allow use of objects from the floor when blind.
    • Reset text indent after squelch help. This means monster recall no longer gets 1-char indents from the side of the screen.
    • (Linux only) Always enter stores when moving onto them.
    • Only mark things as squelchable if we know the 'flavour' through ID or whatever.
    • Fixed object detection behaviour w.r.t the hide_squelchable option.
    • Add 'link' to the high score table from knowledge menu.
    • Mark starting equipment as 'everseen' for squelching & object knowledge purposes.
    • Add missing entries in the monster knowledge list.
    • Tidied up the knowledge screens, so that recalled text is always at the top of the screen, and stop giving artifact spoilers.
    • Report the right number of items in your inventory after a store transaction.
    • Stop superfluous '-more-'s in the shops.
    • Avoid possible out-of-bounds array access if you're clev50 when when entering the store.
    • Rearrange object knowledge menu, so flavoured items come first.
    • Make EAT_LITE monsters eat light again.
    • Show resist blindness properly in self knowledge displays.
    • Let 'h' work in stores with the roguelike keyset.
    • Removed the x11 "keycode translations" (i.e. rewriting "^_]3244" type sequences to "\[PgUp]" type sequences) for '-' and '=' from the pref files to prevent x11's automatic macros from breaking those keys. This was most often manifested when trying to use items on the floor.
    • Fixed bug in "Interact with macros" menu where the echoing of macros as you typed them would be messed up if any "keycode translations" took place.

    Please use gmake on BSDs. It should work OK.
    • Install all files properly.
    • Expand DEFAULT_PATH correctly.
    • Remember to include X11 paths.
    • Chown the angband executable when appropriate.
    • Fix SDL sound support.
    • Fix the "cannot find .depend" error.
    takkaria whispers something about options. -more-
  • K.I.L.E.R
    • May 2007
    • 49

    Thank you for this release.
    You don't know how much I love you.


    • Faust
      • Apr 2007
      • 113

      Very impressed with all the work you've done. Just one small thing, when running autopickup doesn't autopickup.


      • Faust
        • Apr 2007
        • 113

        Tried to targert a green centipide with the mouse and the magic missile i was aiming went in completely the opposite direction. (I have "allow mouse clicks to move player" set to no).


        • Big Al
          • Apr 2007
          • 311

          If you want Andrew, I can do the Mac build again (get it from for now).

          Also, small interface bug:

          In changeset #364, the <click> option was added to the list of possible commands when targeting, so when you look around("l"), it gives you the list of "[g,q,p,o,+,-,<dir>,<click>]". However if you actually click something to look at it, it just says 'target selected', and doesn't tell you what you just clicked on. Should either remove the "<click>" from the list or (better) put up a message saying "You see a xxx." or some such.
          Come play Metroplexity!
          Un, V MX H- D c-- f- PV s- d+ P++ M+
          c-- S I++ So+ B+ ac- !GHB SQ RQ+ V+


          • takkaria
            • Apr 2007
            • 1895

            Originally posted by Faust
            Very impressed with all the work you've done. Just one small thing, when running autopickup doesn't autopickup.
            No, and nor should it, since it takes time, and that makes it a potentially dangerous item.
            takkaria whispers something about options. -more-


            • takkaria
              • Apr 2007
              • 1895

              Originally posted by Faust
              Tried to targert a green centipide with the mouse and the magic missile i was aiming went in completely the opposite direction. (I have "allow mouse clicks to move player" set to no).
              Er, that's odd. I'll see what I can do about that one, but I don't really understand it...
              takkaria whispers something about options. -more-


              • takkaria
                • Apr 2007
                • 1895

                Originally posted by Big Al
                If you want Andrew, I can do the Mac build again (get it from for now).
                I guess you didn't get my email or private messages then? Fair enough. I'm moving your port to the main server now.

                Also, small interface bug:

                In changeset #364, the <click> option was added to the list of possible commands when targeting, so when you look around("l"), it gives you the list of "[g,q,p,o,+,-,<dir>,<click>]". However if you actually click something to look at it, it just says 'target selected', and doesn't tell you what you just clicked on. Should either remove the "<click>" from the list or (better) put up a message saying "You see a xxx." or some such.
                takkaria whispers something about options. -more-


                • Faust
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 113

                  Originally posted by takkaria
                  No, and nor should it, since it takes time, and that makes it a potentially dangerous item.
                  I understand the rationale, but I used to play with the prompt for pickup & autopickup options, so I got a Y/N prompt when I ran onto something. The prompt for pickup no longer exists so i'm not used to the new way of doing it yet (I have to learn to take notice when I stop running rather than carry on again, probably why I've been through 38 @'s since 3.0.8pr1 ).


                  • takkaria
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1895

                    Originally posted by Faust
                    I understand the rationale, but I used to play with the prompt for pickup & autopickup options, so I got a Y/N prompt when I ran onto something. The prompt for pickup no longer exists so i'm not used to the new way of doing it yet (I have to learn to take notice when I stop running rather than carry on again, probably why I've been through 38 @'s since 3.0.8pr1 ).
                    Fair enough. As I see it, 'g' is just as easy to hit as 'y', and gives you the freedom to do other things too, like 'k', or 're--'.
                    takkaria whispers something about options. -more-


                    • Big Al
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 311

                      Originally posted by takkaria
                      I guess you didn't get my email or private messages then? Fair enough. I'm moving your port to the main server now.
                      D'oh, this forum software needs to find a way that more prominently displays it when new PM's arrive. I never notice them (maybe if I got more than a couple per month, I'd actually remember to check the inbox)... I never got an email though.

                      EDIT: found the "send email notification on new PM" option. Maybe that will help.
                      EDIT2: Ah, you sent it to my gmail account, my "register for random spam stuff account", which I never check. Perhaps I'll switch this forum to something else that I use more often.

                      Yeah, I'd be more than willing to do any future mac builds or mac testing.
                      Last edited by Big Al; August 1, 2007, 04:21.
                      Come play Metroplexity!
                      Un, V MX H- D c-- f- PV s- d+ P++ M+
                      c-- S I++ So+ B+ ac- !GHB SQ RQ+ V+


                      • Conker
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 38

                        Originally posted by Faust
                        I understand the rationale, but I used to play with the prompt for pickup & autopickup options, so I got a Y/N prompt when I ran onto something. The prompt for pickup no longer exists so i'm not used to the new way of doing it yet (I have to learn to take notice when I stop running rather than carry on again, probably why I've been through 38 @'s since 3.0.8pr1 ).
                        I must admit, I'm the same way. As long as no monsters are around, the index and ring finger of my left hand never leave '.' and 'y', for running around and picking stuff up. It'll be strange shifting over to 'g'

                        It makes sense why things aren't automatically picked up while running - potentially dangerous, good point. But does that mean the yes/no prompt itself takes time, too? Might be a good idea for me to turn that off, if so, to speed up all that running away I often have to do.
                        herbalaire reviews
                        Last edited by Conker; January 19, 2011, 13:20.


                        • Big Al
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 311

                          Originally posted by Conker
                          But does that mean the yes/no prompt itself takes time, too?
                          AFAIK, it takes game time to autopickup stuff. It takes game time to pickup stuff at the y/n prompt only if you say 'y'. It takes no game time if you say 'n'.

                          It takes no real-life time to autopickup stuff. It takes real-life time to answer a yes or no question.
                          Come play Metroplexity!
                          Un, V MX H- D c-- f- PV s- d+ P++ M+
                          c-- S I++ So+ B+ ac- !GHB SQ RQ+ V+


                          • tigen
                            • May 2007
                            • 48

                            I just tried wielding a lantern off the floor, and it prompted me to select which floor item I wanted, even though there was only the one item.


                            • Big Al
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 311

                              Originally posted by tigen
                              I just tried wielding a lantern off the floor, and it prompted me to select which floor item I wanted, even though there was only the one item.
                              This has been bugging me for a while, but I didn't report it since I assumed that it was intentional. I'd vote for changing it back to the old way if there's only one object on the ground.
                              Come play Metroplexity!
                              Un, V MX H- D c-- f- PV s- d+ P++ M+
                              c-- S I++ So+ B+ ac- !GHB SQ RQ+ V+

