thanks heaps for that pete... i was so worried that i would have 2 stick with that whip forever... gave it a test already and all working fine now thanks.... YOU ROCK
A WC "Silva" HEW L:50 DL:5050' A++ R+++ Sp+ w:Blade of chaos (HA)
A D/W D ?c f? PV s- d++ P++ M+
C-- S-- I-- !So !B !ac !GHB SQ? !RQ V? F: Bar in the town so i can boast 2 the drunks about my kills lol
(i hope you know what all that means... im not sure i do!?!?)
That whip is still worth keeping, in case you find another pit of red 'D'. And use it on the Tarrasque. With Cold and Fire immunity: easy. Without immunites: near impossible as Warrior.
gave it a test already and all working fine now thanks
well just a quick post 2 add you got me good... with the changes 2 rouge-like
commands(for a sort time there i couldnt work out why when i hit z 2 zap a rod it was aiming a wand instead lol) and other interface/display options
but thanks again for the fix
edit 2 add...
Originally posted by Pete Mack
That whip is still worth keeping, in case you find another pit of red 'D'. And use it on the Tarrasque. With Cold and Fire immunity: easy. Without immunites: near impossible as Warrior.
thanks i was gonna keep it on me but good 2 know its good for the Tarrasque
A WC "Silva" HEW L:50 DL:5050' A++ R+++ Sp+ w:Blade of chaos (HA)
A D/W D ?c f? PV s- d++ P++ M+
C-- S-- I-- !So !B !ac !GHB SQ? !RQ V? F: Bar in the town so i can boast 2 the drunks about my kills lol
(i hope you know what all that means... im not sure i do!?!?)
A WC "Silva" HEW L:50 DL:5050' A++ R+++ Sp+ w:Blade of chaos (HA)
A D/W D ?c f? PV s- d++ P++ M+
C-- S-- I-- !So !B !ac !GHB SQ? !RQ V? F: Bar in the town so i can boast 2 the drunks about my kills lol
(i hope you know what all that means... im not sure i do!?!?)