calris v. anduril

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  • vorondil
    • Dec 2008
    • 55

    calris v. anduril

    I've read quite a bit that Calris is a good endgame weapon and that it's a good dragon-killer.

    I'm playing a human warrior at CL 36, hanging around 1800'-1850' until I've maxed str, con, dex and int and picked up some way to do both rConf and rBlind at the same time. rPoison is going to be a problem after a while as well.

    Is Calris worthwhile to wield now? Its curse is broken, but I get five blows with it versus six for Anduril. I have both =str+6 and =con+6, but even wielding =str instead of =con, I still get only five blows and Calris isn't branded.

    If not at this stage, then when is Calris better than Anduril? I'm leery of getting rid of it since I've seen multiple comments to the effect that it's a great weapon...and I'm really impressed with the >120HP bonus I get from wielding it.

    Here's the dump:
    Now playing Abasorix, half-troll warrior in V-4.0.5.
  • Malak Darkhunter
    • May 2007
    • 683

    I would say Anduril is a better more reliable weapon. Calris looks like it does more damage, but it depends on what your fighting, Anduril is branded with fire, plus gives you a +to hit and damage bonus because of increased strength and dexterity, dexterity also helps to keep from brigands robbing you. The immunity to fear is nice to have also. Calris Aggravates the monsters around you, so no more stealthy attacks. Calris is a high damage weapon for the typical badass, but I wouldn't depend on it, haven't wielded calris because of the drawbacks of monster aggravation, if there was some way to get rid of this, and find immunity to fear elsewhere it might be a good weapon. I would say the deeper down you go and more resitances are needed, Calris is going to get you killed.


    • Atarlost
      • Apr 2007
      • 426

      I would say don't even touch it until all your common resists are covered. That's at least Base+Poison+Nether, and probably people who have played more recently can suggest more things it's really dangerous to be without.

      Aggro will kill you you can't handle "it breathes (offscreen)".

      I personally wouldn't use it at all except possibly as a swap for tough foes when the dungeon is otherwise mostly clear. It would work for vault or pit clearing if you had made sure there was nothing nasty nearby.
      One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to bind them.
      One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness interrupt the movie.


      • Pete Mack
        • Apr 2007
        • 6697

        Calris is a great swap weapon, but it's not really a good main weapon until you are endgame strong.

        Get an immunity and go clear some dragon pits. Also, use it against disenchanters like Saruman.

        And with just a little more dex, you shoould get 6 blows.


        • Djabanete
          • Apr 2007
          • 553

          I played a Ranger that got Calris at depth 35 or so, and used it as a main weapon until depth 80... but I played super carefully and probably got lucky to boot. (Also, I didn't have Anduril.) I'm very fond of it though =D

