Corruption of Spirit

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  • sffp
    • Apr 2020
    • 434

    Corruption of Spirit

    So I finally have a kobold nec at a high enough speed/stealth/con combo that it may be a viable contender when I came upon The Corruption of Spirit book in the Black Market (150,000 smackers). That would have about bankrupted me but I hadn't seen it before so I started looking at the spells - and they all suck?

    50 HP - 50 SP swap - I admit that sometimes I need extra damage to send larger HP foes when I'm low on mana, but 50 SP doesn't seem near enough for 50HP. It will cost me an action, and only let me throw 4-5 more disenchant or 2-3 more annihilate. resorting to <shudder> archer or wands feels like a better deal

    Crush- feels like a flea killer and isn't really needed - usually low HP creatures aren't the problem

    Vampire form - Another shapeshift where I won't be able to cast? I like to warg, but I take too much damage not to change back often

    The other two I couldn't learn yet, but Curse costs 100HP and might be useful against big hitters but maybe not - seems risky to cast

    Same with command - how does that actually work

    I left the book in the store and bought a strength potion instead...
  • Selkie
    • Aug 2020
    • 434

    I recently reviewed every necromancer spell book, needless to say Corruption of the Spirit didn't get a glowing review.

    Corruption of the Spirit

    Power Sacrifice - I used this spell a lot in combination with vampire strike. So you gain mana, you lose HP. But then you regain HP by sucking some blood. They work well together but if it's not possible then chugging a few CCW will do the trick. It's less of a faff than draining wands for a mage (which also stuns for a turn or two) so I'll probably give it 1-0 to the necro in this regard.

    Crush - I just didn't understand this spell at all. It costs more than annihilate (30 compared to 20 SP) so what's the idea? It does the same damage. Utterly pointless if you ask me and a waste of a valuable page in the final dungeon spell book. I suppose the only benefit is it kills golems, undead, nonliving monsters which annihilate can't.

    Vampire Form - again another pointless spell. Vampire strike is more predictable. You lose HP when you transform and you can't case other spells or chug potions. You get a few extra buffs (like hold life) but they're so minor it's not worth the effort.

    Curse - I started using this a bit more towards the end. Its a bit unpredictable because it does more damage to more injured monsters but can put out around 5 d150 to very poorly monsters. I think this might be one of the most damaging spells in the game. Of course, the downside is it costs you 100HP which is around 1/8th of your total health towards end game. It's a heavy price to pay... maybe too heavy. But in those moments when you're like: "Why won't you just die?" then this spell serves a purpose.

    Command - junk junk junk. Sounds fun. Is less fun than you'd expect. Very unpredictable too. For example, if you are experimenting with a summoner and you use their magic then you can summon a swarm of hostile monsters who aren't joining in the fight on your side, instead they make a beeline for @ who is stood in a dumb stupor and very exposed and susceptible. I'm sure there are some clever tricks with Command that I've not been smart enough to figure out, but so far it's a dud for me. I suppose there's a small novelty value in taking control of a powerful wyrm, but that's all it is - a novelty.


    • sffp
      • Apr 2020
      • 434

      Deadly Powers is the bomb

      Banish Spirits (teleport away all non-animals in line of sight)
      Annihilate (164 damage against the living)
      Fume of Mordor... (map out, darken level and detect all objects)

      all awesome

      Unleash Chaos and Grond's Blow aren't bad, but I like to keep everything asleep for as long as possible

      Storm of Darkness looks like it's going to be useful as well, but I haven't gotten there yet.


      • Selkie
        • Aug 2020
        • 434

        Yeah Deadly Powers is very good. Fume of Mordor is one of my all time favourite spells.

        I can compare necromancer to Paladin and there are so many junk spells with necros. On the other hand a Paladin carries three books and every one of them is great, packed with spells you'll use throughout the game.

        I think Corruption of the Spirit needs a bit of tweaking. A lot of the ideas are good but in real world game play they just don't quite cut the mustard. Control for example sounds very cool, but compare it with single combat and there's only one winner.

        Vampire form, as you identified, doesn't work. You might as well just vampire strike.

        Power sacrifice should be 100SP for 50hp, IMO.

        Crush is junk.


        • sffp
          • Apr 2020
          • 434

          I'm also finding now that I'm deeper, I don't need "Into the Shadows"

          Rods of Detection, See invis and higher damage spells take the place of those early spells


          • Selkie
            • Aug 2020
            • 434

            Originally posted by sffp
            I'm also finding now that I'm deeper, I don't need "Into the Shadows"

            Rods of Detection, See invis and higher damage spells take the place of those early spells
            Haha, I only used to carry it because if I didn't then I'd always end Casting the wrong spells by accident.

            Edit: thinking about it, the spellbook casting letters should remain the same even if you're not carrying all the books. So it's always e for Corruption of the Spirit, for example.
            Last edited by Selkie; May 26, 2021, 07:45.


            • Werbaer
              • Aug 2014
              • 182

              Originally posted by Selkie
              Haha, I only used to carry it because if I didn't then I'd always end Casting the wrong spells by accident.

              Edit: thinking about it, the spellbook casting letters should remain the same even if you're not carrying all the books. So it's always e for Corruption of the Spirit, for example.
              So if you carry 2 books and 3 potions, 'pray e' should use a different item slot as 'drop e'? Not a good idea IMO.

              Use inscriptions. Inscribe you Corruption book with '@m5@p5@P5@G5', and train yourself to use the number instead of the letter to cast spells (or browse or learn). Especially important if you use macros to cast specific spells.
              (note: command letters may depend on keyset)

              You can automate the inscriptions by putting them in class specific files.
              Example for file "mage.prf":
              inscribe:magic book:[First Spells]:@m1@P1@G1!k
              inscribe:magic book:[Attacks and Knowledge]:@m2@P2@G2!k


              • DavidMedley
                • Oct 2019
                • 995

                Originally posted by Selkie
                the spellbook casting letters should remain the same even if you're not carrying all the books. So it's always e for Corruption of the Spirit, for example.
                Should like that's how it currently works, or should like the developers should make it work that way?
                Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                • Selkie
                  • Aug 2020
                  • 434

                  Originally posted by DavidMedley
                  Should like that's how it currently works, or should like the developers should make it work that way?
                  Should like the developers should make it that way.

                  Caveat - there are probably some perfectly sensible reasons why they shouldn't, and I've just not thought it through properly


                  • wobbly
                    • May 2012
                    • 2576

                    I just inscribe them to numbers. If you use the same save you only have to do it once. If I'm a rogue my second book is actually @m4 because that's where it goes in the mage set, but that doesn't bother me.


                    • DavidMedley
                      • Oct 2019
                      • 995

                      I do the inscriptions, but I never resort to them unless I'm missing a book. It would be better to always use the number, but I just find the mnemonics easier with 3 letters instead of letter-number-letter. Maybe if I just thought of it as two keystrokes (number-letter) it would be better.
                      Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                      • sffp
                        • Apr 2020
                        • 434

                        Originally posted by Werbaer
                        So if you carry 2 books and 3 potions, 'pray e' should use a different item slot as 'drop e'? Not a good idea IMO.

                        No the spell books should be slotted.
                        If you're a nec/bg Into the shadows ALWAYS slots into slot A if you've got it
                        Similarly, Dark Rituals should ALWAYS slot into slot B regardless of whether I've got Into the shadows.

                        I understand there are ways of using inscriptions (I dabble), but reprogramming my fingers to use p3b instead of pcb after 30 years of orb of draining being pcb is hard - besides, I've always used my left hand for spells and my right hand for movement on my keyboard. The numbers are too high up on the keyboard.


                        • Werbaer
                          • Aug 2014
                          • 182

                          Originally posted by sffp
                          No the spell books should be slotted.
                          If you're a nec/bg Into the shadows ALWAYS slots into slot A if you've got it
                          Similarly, Dark Rituals should ALWAYS slot into slot B regardless of whether I've got Into the shadows.
                          So when my "Intro" book gets burned, my Mushrooms of Vigor should move to slot "a"?

                          Originally posted by sffp
                          I understand there are ways of using inscriptions (I dabble), but reprogramming my fingers to use p3b instead of pcb after 30 years of orb of draining being pcb is hard
                          Is it easiert to reprogramm your fingers to "pbb" now that the Orb got moved to the second book?
                          Did you not stop to carry the first priest book once you found some dungeon books?
                          My default attack is on the "F5" key. The Orb for priests, Magic missiles for mages, standard ammo (f0) for everybody else, all set up by .prf files. "#" is default attack to nearest target.
                          For priests, "F5" was mapped to "p3b". Always works, no matter which books get burned. And if the Orb is now in the second book, i only need to change the keymap to "p2a", and not retrain my fingers.


                          • sffp
                            • Apr 2020
                            • 434

                            Originally posted by Werbaer
                            So when my "Intro" book gets burned, my Mushrooms of Vigor should move to slot "a"?

                            Is it easiert to reprogramm your fingers to "pbb" now that the Orb got moved to the second book?
                            It really was difficult to make that switch.

                            Originally posted by Werbaer

                            Did you not to stop to carry the first priest book once you found some dungeon books?
                            I never have. Honestly I've always carried all my spellbooks (except in inventory crushes when I would drop book a and immediately recall and rebuy the books when the inventory was resolved.

                            I finally did this with this kobold nec when I found Corruption of Spirit to be useless and I never used the book a spells once my intel/level was high enough to zero% to the higher level attack spells

                            Originally posted by Werbaer
                            My default attack is on the "F5" key. The Orb for priests, Magic missiles for mages, standard ammo (f0) for everybody else, all set up by .prf files. "#" is default attack to nearest target.
                            For priests, "F5" was mapped to "p3b". Always works, no matter which books get burned. And if the Orb is now in the second book, i only need to change the keymap to "p2a", and not retrain my fingers.
                            One - there's work involved in getting to know how to program the macros
                            Two - there's work involved in setting them up the macros
                            Three - F5 is _way_ up there on my keyboard.

                            I don't play the game to work. I appreciate all the work other people have put into the game - but to me it's not supposed to be work


                            • Pete Mack
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 6697

                              Setting up macros isn't work. In fact, there was an attempt to keep book letters fixed. It turned out to be unpopular...

