Hi all,
I've tagged and released ToME 2.4.0-ah. Source can be downloaded here: https://github.com/tome2/tome2/tree/v2.4.0-ah (Click "Clone or Download", Click "Download ZIP".)
This being a .0 version and given the extent of code changes, players should probably expect a few bugs. Please report any bugs you find here: https://github.com/tome2/tome2/issues
I've tagged and released ToME 2.4.0-ah. Source can be downloaded here: https://github.com/tome2/tome2/tree/v2.4.0-ah (Click "Clone or Download", Click "Download ZIP".)
This being a .0 version and given the extent of code changes, players should probably expect a few bugs. Please report any bugs you find here: https://github.com/tome2/tome2/issues
Game: - Removed traps and related skills. (Thanks to "miramor" for doing most of the actual work on this.) - Removed Alchemist class from ToME module. They were horribly broken and encouraged only scummy play. They were also indirectly responsible for a lot of items that were junk to every other character class. - Remove Runecrafer class. - Increased size of the home drastically. - Fix "far reaching attack" skill. (Thanks to "miramor".) - Remove pointless player stats such as "gender", "age", "height", etc. - Disallow casting for Posessors when they don't have enought SP. (aka "Remove system shock".) - Magic Mapping now maps the whole level instead of only the display region. - Summoned monsters appear around summoner instead of player. - Remove various mostly inconsequential options. - Use PCG random number generator instead of the old custom one. - Grant player full monster knowledge. - Theme: Fix final guardian artifact for Land of Mountains. - Theme: Remove armor restriction for Eagle/Dragon races. Build: - Use C++14. - Use (vendored) "cppformat" for string formatting. - Use (vendored) "jsoncons" instead of "jansson". - Produce individual executables for each of the supported platforms instead of a single executable.