Underdark roguelike

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  • Zireael
    • Jul 2011
    • 199

    We're waiting for T-Engine 1.2.0 but it's still some time away and Easter is here!

    Here's the beta 5! The code name has already been given !
    Grab it from GitHub or Bitbucket or wait for the ModDB authorization.


    * bug fix - summon monster dialog no longer appears if NPCs are trying to use it
    * bug fix - fix trying to perform calculations on nil stat_points
    * bug fix - wands and scrolls being unusable (but they don't work 100% properly yet)
    * bug fix - negative damage when DR x/- is applied
    * bug fix - load penalty is no longer incorrectly applied to skills such as Diplomacy or Intuition
    * bug fix - finished implementing ghoul touch spell

    * chests (and mimics)!
    * you can now buy and sell from shopkeepers!
    * poisons! watch out for spiders and centipedes
    * implemented sneak attack and added flanking code in
    * monsters now flee if reduced to below 50% max hp
    * spellbook screen now contains spell information in a separate column
    * kill count screen implemented; item manager screen implemented but non-functional yet
    * implemented Spellcraft
    * drow and duergar got (some) spell-like abilities
    * new tiles: chest, bolas, shuriken, iron door, warded door, darkwood door
    * new races: lizardfolk, kobold, orc
    * new class: shaman (a divine equivalent of a sorcerer)
    * new prestige classes: archmage, loremaster, blackguard, arcane archer
    * new spells: darkness, faerie fire, invisibility, light, charm person
    * character sheet now colors increased/decreased stats
    * can go back to rolling/buying stats screen from the load character screen
    * failure/success messages are now color-coded in log
    * log messages no longer tell you what exactly damaged you if you can't see the source actor
    * particle effects added to bleeding out and faerie fire


    • Zireael
      • Jul 2011
      • 199

      Beta 5.2 is out, grab it from GitHub or BitBucket or wait for ModDB authentication.

      Also, I found a workaround which allowed me to upload a module file to te4.org in spite of md5 being reported as nil due to engine bug - the md5 entry accepts anything I type in, it turns out :P


      * bug fix - no more point buy popping back up after game start
      * bug fix - fix oversight in naming function for drow females
      * bug fix - no more "clones" (unkillable monsters)
      * bug fix - no more sneaky lua errors related to temporary values
      * bug fix - lizardfolk now get a torch
      * bug fix - wands and scrolls now work properly
      * bug fix - stores now stock properly

      * overhauled character creation screen and dungeon generation
      * handle animal and diplomacy skills
      * item creation and enhancement
      * new specific magic items: Holy Avenger, Dwarven Thrower, Flame Tongue, Luckblade, Nine Lives Stealer, Oathbow, Sunblade, Sword of the Planes
      * new magic properties: of resistance, of the Endless Wave, of Detection, of the Eagle, of the Soul, of the Mantis, of the Spur, of Stability, of Contortion, of Magical Aptitude, of Arachnida, of the Bat, of spell resistance, of Frostbite, of Fireburn
      * new spells: create food and water, fly, levitate
      * minimap now has background and shows level exits
      * reduced the CR cap for level 1 to player level +3
      * immunities or resistances as perks
      * debug menu - includes adding creatures, removing them, killing off clones, adding XP, gold, or items to player, identifying all items in inventory, Lua console for other stuff
      * cut down on flasher (top message bar) use
      * add prompt to intro message and expand the pop-up border


      • Malak Darkhunter
        • May 2007
        • 683

        I am really interested in this as a lifelong AD@D and Forgotten Realms fan. Never played a T-Engine module, what exactly do you have to do? download Tome? and then put this mod in the modules folder?


        • fizzix
          • Aug 2009
          • 2969

          Originally posted by Malak Darkhunter
          I am really interested in this as a lifelong AD@D and Forgotten Realms fan. Never played a T-Engine module, what exactly do you have to do? download Tome? and then put this mod in the modules folder?
          You should be able to get t-engine without Tome, but yeah, put the mod in the modules folder. I've actually not had good luck with T-Engine mods. Mosaic worked fine, although it was really light weight. I couldn't get veins of the earth to work at all.


          • Zireael
            • Jul 2011
            • 199

            Veins of the Earth has a standalone download, which is the one linked to.

            Fizzix, what version did you try and what were your problems? (i.e. crashed/froze/couldn't open main menu or whatever)


            • fizzix
              • Aug 2009
              • 2969

              Originally posted by Zireael
              Veins of the Earth has a standalone download, which is the one linked to.

              Fizzix, what version did you try and what were your problems? (i.e. crashed/froze/couldn't open main menu or whatever)
              It would freeze repeatedly. I was also unable to do a simple thing like "assign stat points" I couldn't figure out what key to use, and since I thought "this should be easy" I got frustrated quickly and left. That with the very sluggish game response left me with the idea that this was not a game for me.


              • Zireael
                • Jul 2011
                • 199

                What version did you use? One of the first betas did freeze sometimes on level gen, but that bug is long gone.

                Also, the point buy displays instructions and the roller is as simple as clicking a reroll button.

                As for the game being sluggish - it's pretty zippy on my computer, which is pretty poor by today's standards.


                • fizzix
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 2969

                  Originally posted by Zireael
                  What version did you use? One of the first betas did freeze sometimes on level gen, but that bug is long gone.

                  Also, the point buy displays instructions and the roller is as simple as clicking a reroll button.

                  As for the game being sluggish - it's pretty zippy on my computer, which is pretty poor by today's standards.
                  I don't remember what version but it wasn't too long ago. Essentially nothing worked at all. I read the instructions, they did not work. It might have been a keymap setting I don't know, but the expected payoff wasn't high enough for me to troubleshoot.


                  • Zireael
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 199

                    Fizzkit, what OS are you on and do you have similar problems with stock ToME?


                    Another beta is out! Grab it from GitHub or Bitbucket or wait for ModDB.

                    I have a month to spare until the 1st anniversary of starting the work on Veins, and we're getting pretty close to Incursion's level, which was our target. Also, we have something Incursion does not - lore!

                    * bug fix - nil table in EntityTracker
                    * bug fix - no more errors caused by mobs trying to level up
                    * bug fix - lua error on trying to manually adjust stats lower than 8
                    * bug fix - no longer possible to manually adjust stats that were rolled
                    * bug fix - spellbook now accounts for levels gained every 3rd level
                    * bug fix - no lua errors should spells gain and spell slots gain ever mismatch
                    * bug fix - plant critters no longer as fast; shrieker stuck down in a spot
                    * bug fix - lua errors on pressing Space

                    * new tiles - altar, note, horse, griffon
                    * new spell - Ignizarr's fire
                    * in-game user chat now works!
                    * chat keys added to Help
                    * polymorphing & wild shape
                    * Ride skill and mounts
                    * lore framework added
                    * DR x/magic implemented; framework ready for other DR types
                    * coded locked doors
                    * auto-search for traps coded
                    * coded party support
                    * calendar changed to match Incursion's
                    * enabled creature templates, both from SRD and from Incursion
                    * Knowledge check necessary to be aware that the monster *HAS* a template
                    * show lore and show achievements screens
                    * added a test zone
                    * change zone capacity added to debug menu
                    * revised the README to be more readable; split off complete features listing


                    • clouded
                      • Jun 2012
                      • 266

                      I was unable to get past the character creation screen too. I could roll the stats but couldn't type anything for a name, one time I got right click for random name to work. It seemed to me like my small window size (which is as big as my screen) was causing things to overlap and the cancel/premade/accept buttons did not seem clickable. The whole time on that screen it was pegging a core at max cpu. Win7, beta 5.4 which I downloaded late yesterday. The old version of tome4 I have seems fine (I've never actually played it), it also has the cpu problem on the character creation screen, so that isn't your fault.


                      • mrrstark
                        • Aug 2013
                        • 96

                        I gave it a try, and unfortunately Im having the same experience. The character creation screen isn't working. I can't enter a name. I can't get the right click to generate a random name to work.

                        I don't see a way to get a starting perk except to hit 'reroll'.

                        Right clicking a stat doesn't decrease it after I hit reroll, maybe I'm not supposed to?

                        I thought maybe you shipped with some so I clicked the Load Premade button and can't get back out, the close button doesn't work. I don't have any premades. ESC key doesn't get me out either.

                        I can start the game without selecting a name or spending any stat points. Then a menu pops up and asks me my name... this box does work, and I can name my guy.

                        The bottom line of the window seems to be cut off, like I can only see the top half of the "Dungeon lvl: " text, and I'm missing I think the bottom line of the message log.

                        Changing the resolution changes some thing's placement, but going to a lower resolution my abilities bar is cut off halfway across its width, though the minimap is in the right place. I just tried to move the abilities bar, grabbed a skill, dropped it, and since there is no outline on the ability bar, nor the usual tome "unlock UI" stuff, I'm not sure how you're supposed to move the bar, as well as see where to drop your abilities onto it, though since I've played tome I can probably figure out that I have to hit 'm' and go dig through and put the ability back in the blank space.

                        Switching graphics mode to ascii seems to have re-positioned the abilities bar and the message log UI so that I can see the entirety of both, but it didn't actually switch it to ascii. I guess you dont support ascii mode?

                        Is there a story or town or something to this game, or just the dungeon? The F1 help gives some description of the basic mechanics, but not story, goal.

                        Help also doesn't cover anything about the myriad of DnD classes, mechanics, and all the crazy detailed stuff I'm sure you've implemented from 3.5 or 4e i.e. I don't know from the game actually basic stuff like what I _should_ spec as stats for my new <class>


                        • Zireael
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 199

                          I was made aware of the problems with char creation on small screens yesterday evening and I'll be working on them soon! I didn't know about the cut-offs in main game, though.

                          Other things:
                          • Name character box on char screen - it's not working yet I'll probably remove it to avoid confusion. The other box does indeed work
                          • Closing load premade - click the corner if ESC doesn't work (I should probably add that tip to the Help)
                          • Ascii mode - the switch is there but not completely working, I wish I knew why it doesn't actually switch the tiles off
                          • I don't see a way to get a starting perk except to hit 'reroll' - this was actually intended (so that there's a reason to reroll instead of picking manually)

                          Is there a story or town or something to this game, or just the dungeon?
                          I plan to implement a town plane/level some time in the future and quests will come too. For now, all story you get is the little notes.

                          Help also doesn't cover anything about the myriad of DnD classes, mechanics, and all the crazy detailed stuff I'm sure you've implemented from 3.5 or 4e
                          Classes are described in char creation / class selection. A lot of stuff is described in the character sheet, too.
                          Tell me what's missing and I'll fill it in.

                          Keep that sweet feedback coming and I'll know what else to fix/improve/make clearer!


                          • Zireael
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 199

                            A hotfix for those with 1366x768 or similar resolutions:

                            Save to /modules/VotE/dialogs and overwrite the existing file.

                            (As a bonus, it fixes the Cancel button in load premade, too, and removes the mention of right-clicking to adjust stats since it isn't in and won't be due to calculations working only in one directions)


                            • Zireael
                              • Jul 2011
                              • 199

                              Yet another beta is out, this time NOT on Monday

                              Great kudos to Supermini from te4.org forums, who has been an excellent tester, providing invaluable feedback.

                              Grab it from GitHub or Bitbucket or wait for ModDB.

                              Also available from te4.org or in the in-game browser that T-Engine now offers.


                              * bug fix - character screen on 1366x768 and similar resolutions
                              * bug fix - not being able to close the load premade screen
                              * bug fix - party info not being saved leading to weird bugs [DarkGod]
                              * bug fix - no lua errors on clicking spell names in spellbook
                              * bug fix - no more silent lua errors due to an oversight in encumbrance logic
                              * bug fix - check if item exists before trying to ID it (kudos to lucianogml for reporting)
                              * bug fix - naming box in character creation now picks female names correctly
                              * bug fix - perks not being cleared correctly
                              * bug fix - skill points going into negatives if half-points are present
                              * bug fix - add shield proficiency to the classes that were missing it
                              * bug fix - no longer able to progress past char creation screen without a name

                              * update to T-Engine 1.2.1
                              * auto-explore [DarkGod]
                              * spell rework [framework by DarkGod]
                              * rework hunger clock
                              * silenced the pseudo-ID Intuition checks
                              * changed the font and background of lore notes
                              * add tooltips to attributes and feat/spell perks in character creation
                              * add 'are you sure?' pop-ups to feat, skill and class dialogs
                              * add healthbars display
                              * make the death dialog a tombstone
                              * make tooltips more informative
                              * axed the duplicate naming box


                              • Zireael
                                • Jul 2011
                                • 199

                                A new beta is out!

                                Grab it from GitHub or Bitbucket or wait for ModDB.

                                * bug fix - naming box not accepting keypresses [kudos to Castler]
                                * bug fix - bonus feats button now available only to fighters
                                * bug fix - no more lua error due to a typo in one of the poison defs
                                * bug fix - play button being unclickable in some resolutions
                                * bug fix - charges not shown for some spells in spellbook [Castler]
                                * bug fix - using Diplomacy/Animal Empathy on invalid target no longer wastes a turn [Castler]
                                * bug fix - using Diplomacy on yourself no longer leads to amusing stuff [Castler]
                                * bug fix - bards not receiving spells
                                * bug fix - paladins and rangers missing the spellbook button
                                * bug fix - club not being listed as simple weapon; dual-wielding quarterstaves
                                * bug fix - two last entries not clickable in stat increase dialog
                                * bug fix - typo in water elemental description
                                * bug fix - fireball and light spells working as intended
                                * bug fix - no more spellbooks for NPCs; clarified raven familiar description
                                * bug fix - give specific magic items unided names
                                * bug fix - correct lantern tile
                                * bug fix - make prestige class levels show up in character sheet

                                * update to T-Engine 1.2.2
                                * new spell: mount, haste
                                * new spell icons: mage armor, ghoul touch, alter self
                                * make player tiles change depending on player equipment ("moddable" as in ToME 4)
                                * add stack number display
                                * add settings
                                * integrate parts of Marson's UI addon
                                * add full framebuffer shaders
                                * rearrange the UI a bit; add log fade
                                * add equipdoll to inventory screen
                                * add information pop-ups to char creation screen
                                * enable right clicking when manually selecting attributes [Castler]
                                * add tutorial level
                                * shuffle events stuff to GameState.lua
                                * shuffle item perks stuff to Player.lua
                                * remove the flasher (top message bar) since it wouldn't clear properly
                                * clicking spell name in spellbook now has the same effect as clicking spell icon [Castler]
                                * display fractional CR as fractions not decimals [Castler]
                                * add spell level tabs to spellbook
                                * add tooltips to store interface

                                There are a few remaining issues I'm aware of but I'm leaving for holidays for a month. Keep that sweet feedback coming!

