T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta31 aka "Slime of Death" unleashed!

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  • DarkGod
    T.o.M.E. maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 127

    T-Engine4 / ToME4 beta31 aka "Slime of Death" unleashed!

    As promised here comes T-Engine4 and ToME4 beta31 ! See http://te4.org/

    Don't forget to help ToME by with donations ( http://te4.org/donate ) !

    Release highlights:
    Many many bugfixes
    Improved sand tileset, new slime tileset

    Expanded changelist:
    Runic/Infusion saturation do not prevent entering the worldmap anymore
    Fix arena start crash
    Stair up in Yillkgur has a tile
    All party members now benefit from resting improved regens
    Fix huge lag when something is blinded
    Fixed clicking near the top of the chat log
    Lore on Z'quikzshl
    Fix unkillable npcs
    Fix a bug with Vimsense when saving/reloading
    Drain vim regain is now affected by the target's rank
    Sacrifice is now 40% of current life
    Blood Sacrifice darins 50% life
    Summons can not be permastuck in the Fearscape
    Fix saving while controlling a summon/golem
    Fix a rare bug in the running code
    Fixed Map:checkAllEntitiesCount
    Fix the damage achievements
    Greatly increase the rarity of water breathing egos
    Summoner's summons now inherit resistance penetration
    New weapon egos correctly project on strike
    Orc mothers are correctly flagged as female
    Force autosave on zone change on, to ensure savefile consistency
    Damage shields show up as a bar on the left pane
    Each level of the Infinite Dungeon now has a random boss guard
    Fix the sometimes missing random worldmap locations
    Sandworm Lair finally got its own unique music
    Added some missing tiles
    New slime tileset
    Target projection path will display the best possible outcome, showing unknown grids in yellow
    Increased life timed effect will only stun when it is removed with not enough life left
    The Room of Death is a no teleport zone, to prevent .. untimely death of the content
    Sun Infusions are considered attacks/disable for the AI
    Critical strike messages are in bold
    Fixed Zigur cultivation fields
    New possible random zone tileset: slime
    Improves sandwall tileset
    Molten lava tileset
    Most talents that scale of a stat do so more linearily
    Reduced the power cost of staves of illumination
    Fix tutorial player tile
    Fixed Strangle Hold
    All demons are now part of the Fearscape faction
    All creatures in the Crypt of Kryl-Feijan are now part of the Fearscape faction
    Fix Paladin vs. Undead vault when appearing in the Dreadfell
    Track description fixed
    Fixed ice to cold resists on crystals
    Willpower now increases Stamina by 2.5 per point instead of 2
    Fix show all achievements
    Dead creatures cannot get healed
    Alchemist's golem now has a random color tile
    Tentative fix for the NaN gold
    Walrog lore
    Hate is now correctly unaffected by fatigue
    Melinda can now move in with you in the Fortress
    Fixed Archmages starting in Angolwen who used custom tiles, they now correctly get the orb of scrying
    Sun Flare lights up the area in a radius double of the blinding radius

    Have fun!