ToME 2.3.5(kind of) built for Windows - I think it's working

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  • Sky
    • Oct 2016
    • 2309

    can someone run me through how do i make a "shoot manabolt to nearest enemy" macro, please?
    "i can take this dracolich"


    • Estie
      • Apr 2008
      • 2281

      First you want every macro to start with \e\e\e , so as to cancel anything that might be waiting for a prompt. Then in tome, unfortunately the letters for various activities such as casting spells or copying spells are variable and might change throughout the game. "m" accesses the menu where you can choose those activities; there is a way to choose an activity not by its letter, but by a different code (I forgot how exactly); but casting spells is the default, so what I do is use


      which picks "cast a spell" regardless of which letter is currently assigned to casting spells.

      Assuming your spellbook is inscribed with @m1 and mana bolt is the first spell in it, denoted by "a", the macro would look like this:


      I assume you know how to modify that to include targeting if needed.

      That "@" can be given an argument (omitting of which here, as explained, will pick the default - cast spell), I forget how that works; if anyone knows, feel free to enlighten me.


      I read your op again; since you asked specifically to target the closest enemy, here goes:

      Make sure the option "use old target by default" is set; the macro then is:

      Last edited by Estie; January 21, 2023, 20:35.


      • Pete Mack
        • Apr 2007
        • 6697

        I thought ToMe has keymaps as well as macros? Macros should be used *only* for status changes (like aggressive/cowardly, or fast/slow, or fire arrows/normal shooting.) Unless there are no keymaps. Then things get hairy.
        Note: V has no status changes, so macros were removed some time after libcurses. (I only ever used them for color editing.)


        • Estie
          • Apr 2008
          • 2281

          Whats the detriment of using macro instead of keymap ?

          Edit: Also, in tome I put <detect trap> + <detect monster> on one key, I thought that wouldnt work unless you use macro ?


          • Pete Mack
            • Apr 2007
            • 6697

            If you use say "M" for the macro, it'l get substituted any time you type it--even if you're not at the command prompt. Use a keymap in that situation. There are some games that actually still need them, including ToME and Sil, but it's tricky to rely solely on macros.


            • Estie
              • Apr 2008
              • 2281

              Yes I am aware of that, I use the F# keys for macros (and F for teleport other, typically the need for that comes after finding a permanent light source). I could use a keymap for F instead I guess.


              • Borg
                • Jul 2019
                • 16

                I have Tome 2.3.5 Win32 build here too. Build using Mingw compiler so it should work from Win2000 to Win10. I guess only ASCII is working.


                • marcccoss
                  • Jul 2024
                  • 3


                  I have made some updates to Anonymous Hero's fork of ToME2.3.5 and released it as version 1.1. This version should build on Windows and the binary in the release is designed to work standalone. Please check it out at [this link]( and let me know if you encounter any issues or problems with pathnames. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.



                  • KiTA
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 23

                    Not for nothing, but we really should be changing the version number from 2.3.5 if any updates/changes are being made. Even if it's just to add another number at the end, or add some letters at the front/end, or something. Especially if any of the changes are big.

