Sil-Q 1.4.2 release

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  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    Are you playing with subwindows? It'll glow in the subwindow, but not in the inventory menu. A bit of a pain really.


    • DavidMedley
      • Oct 2019
      • 995

      Throwing Mastery

      Not sure where to post this question. One section of the manual describes "trap" skills in Sil. Careful Shot and Mind Over Body I get. But why say "Throwing Mastery offers an inferior ranged option"? Seems useful enough, but maybe the problem is it drives up the cost of other Melee skills which would be even more useful? Or is it that thrown weapons' range is too limited?
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      • Quirk
        • Mar 2016
        • 461

        Originally posted by DavidMedley
        Not sure where to post this question. One section of the manual describes "trap" skills in Sil. Careful Shot and Mind Over Body I get. But why say "Throwing Mastery offers an inferior ranged option"? Seems useful enough, but maybe the problem is it drives up the cost of other Melee skills which would be even more useful? Or is it that thrown weapons' range is too limited?
        Throwing Mastery was actually the "worst" skill in Sil 1.3.0, according to Why is it so bad compared to Archery?

        Firstly, Archery rolls against one-half your opponent's Evasion, throwing weapons rolls Melee against full Evasion. Archers hit more and score more criticals, so in the late game arrows do much more damage.

        Secondly, daggers and throwing axes are fairly miserable damage wise, and the criticals they do get are worse than bows.

        Thirdly, spears have miserable range: you need to reach 7 strength to pass the range of a shortbow.

        Fourthly, Archery has an entire skill tree of goodies powering up bows further.

        Fifthly, bow and arrow enchantments compound - while this has been dialled back in Sil-Q, in original Sil you could be firing Flaming Arrows which had an enchantment of Piercing from a Bow of Nargothrond. Archery was somewhat overpowered.

        Sixthly, while a stack of vanilla spears or throwing axes might be fine at 50', by late game they look surprisingly sad. It's relatively rare to accumulate a stack of good throwing weapons which have some kind of slay on them, you're much more likely to have multiple bows with different slays in Sil (or arrows in Sil-Q).

        There are probably a bunch more reasons why throwing weapons are terrible including, as you mention, driving up the cost of other Melee skills - but much would require to be done to make throwing into a comparably viable ranged option. Throwing being a relatively niche single combat action little mentioned in Tolkien didn't help its case either, nor did the relatively clumsy interface compared to archery, so I opted to drop the skill entirely.
        Last edited by Quirk; December 16, 2019, 19:01.


        • DavidMedley
          • Oct 2019
          • 995

          Thanks for the response!
          Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


          • DavidMedley
            • Oct 2019
            • 995

            Blunt and Sharp

            1.4.2 Manual says "blunt weapons are useful against armour" and "Song of Whetting • Grants sharpness" but neither of these things have any details. Is sharpness the same 2% per Song pt as in Sil?
            Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


            • Quirk
              • Mar 2016
              • 461

              Originally posted by DavidMedley
              1.4.2 Manual says "blunt weapons are useful against armour" and "Song of Whetting • Grants sharpness" but neither of these things have any details. Is sharpness the same 2% per Song pt as in Sil?
              If blunt weapons are still listed as useful against armour, that's a bug in the manual. Previously quarter of the damage blunt weapons dealt ignored armour, but this was revised in 1.4.2 as it was felt to be inelegant.

              Sharpness reduces armour by 50%; this is the case with all sharp weapons in Sil. Song of Sharpness was the anomaly here. Song of Whetting grants actual sharpness.


              • wobbly
                • May 2012
                • 2577

                Standfast doesn't show up with staff of self knowledge


                • DavidMedley
                  • Oct 2019
                  • 995

                  Very subjective, but I feel the terms "mindless" and "unintelligent" are too similar. I have it figured out now, but it took me quite a while.
                  Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                  • Quirk
                    • Mar 2016
                    • 461

                    Originally posted by wobbly
                    Standfast doesn't show up with staff of self knowledge
                    Thanks, will fix.


                    • seraph
                      • Jan 2016
                      • 120

                      I believe hand axes are not flagged as throwing items. The combat rolls indicate that they have a thrown melee score of 4 when it should be 9, and 1 damage side when it should be 2. This penalty does not occur when wielded normally.


                      • Quirk
                        • Mar 2016
                        • 461

                        Originally posted by seraph
                        I believe hand axes are not flagged as throwing items. The combat rolls indicate that they have a thrown melee score of 4 when it should be 9, and 1 damage side when it should be 2. This penalty does not occur when wielded normally.
                        Yeah, they're not throwing axes any more. I don't think there are actually any instances of axes being thrown in Tolkien (though I'm amenable to being proven wrong). Of course the same could probably be said of daggers...


                        • HugoVirtuoso
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 1132

                          Is it just me or is Sil-Q digestion rate much slower than Sil-Vanilla by default? Rationale?
                          My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on

                          If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                          As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                          • Quirk
                            • Mar 2016
                            • 461

                            Originally posted by HugoTheGreat2011
                            Is it just me or is Sil-Q digestion rate much slower than Sil-Vanilla by default? Rationale?
                            It's just you. The only change to food in Sil-Q is around the removal of the Gorged status.


                            • HugoVirtuoso
                              • Jan 2012
                              • 1132

                              Found a 'bug' and I don't know if this persisted since Sil-Vanilla 1.3.0. When wielding Gaurin (and maybe other Sharpness weapons), Staff of Self Knowledge reveals: " Your weapon cuts easily through armour (ignore 500f protection)".

                              How do betrayal artefacts work? e.g. Bloody Hand (as in this case)

                              Separate question unrelated to betrayal artefacts:
                              If I don't have Fire Resistance, abundant protection reduces its damage too, right?
                              Last edited by HugoVirtuoso; December 26, 2019, 14:18.
                              My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on

                              If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                              As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                              • Quirk
                                • Mar 2016
                                • 461

                                Originally posted by HugoTheGreat2011
                                Found a 'bug' and I don't know if this persisted since Sil-Vanilla 1.3.0. When wielding Gaurin (and maybe other Sharpness weapons), Staff of Self Knowledge reveals: " Your weapon cuts easily through armour (ignore 500f protection)".

                                Originally posted by HugoTheGreat2011
                                How do betrayal artefacts work? e.g. Bloody Hand (as in this case)

                                Separate question unrelated to betrayal artefacts:
                                If I don't have Fire Resistance, abundant protection reduces its damage too, right?
                                Betrayal artefacts tend to fail you at bad moments. In the shield's case, it's likely to fail to block a blow capable of almost killing you when you're already quite badly injured. The effects of betrayal are never directly fatal, but can leave you in a sticky situation.

                                From the manual: "The only sources of protection that count are special protection from special abilities, or magical rings and amulets. If it is fire or cold damage, you can also count the protection from your shield."

