Looking for advice (Sil-Q)

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  • Quirk
    • Mar 2016
    • 461

    Looking for advice (Sil-Q)

    So I've got a character sitting at 900 in Sil-Q:

    and I've got quite a lot of XP unspent. I'm debating my plan for the throneroom. It goes without saying that I need to find a better bow and hopefully some Arrows of Piercing along with a weapon to cut the crown and a decent stock of potions. Beyond that there are a number of build options I'm swithering between and could use some advice from Sil experts on.

    1) Majesty/Elbereth. I think I should have just about enough XP to get to a point where I can keep trolls and weaker foes from giving me too much hassle in the throne room. Horn of Terror has some potential use there. Trolls of course are no respecters of Majesty or the Horn, but Elbereth should get them running. This is probably a slightly messy fight where I dodge high-will enemies while trying to knock Morgoth's crown off with an arrow. Breathers could prove fatal. Inner Light or Channeling is the next question if I go this road.

    2) Silence/Lorien. I think I'm probably slightly on the weak side to make that work - my Grace is a bit too low and I'll be pushed to get Song very far into the 20s even with a potion. Staff of Slumber might help a little but as it stands this looks like a very delicate venture and it would need me to collect a great deal more XP.

    3) Boost Archery, get Crippling Shot, and try assassin tactics. This involves a gradual picking off of weaker enemies in the throne room to partially clear it before engaging Morgoth. Plausibly needs help from Silence and/or Lorien in any case. I suspect that if this goes wrong it goes spectacularly wrong.

    4) Some kind of brute force approach with high Evasion and some sort of murder corridor, Point Blank Archery and Exchange Places?

    5) Something else or some combination of things above?

    Any input would be gratefully appreciated.
  • Quirk
    • Mar 2016
    • 461

    Went with Majesty and Elbereth in the end but didn't make it to Morgoth.

    Had a very dicey run-in on 950' with fast-moving Draugluin, who mauled me pretty seriously and took out most of my healing. I did manage to get him to flee with Elbereth but he returned quickly and only a last-ditch Song of Thresholds shut him away. He came round another route while I was trying to navigate some enemies in the next room and I had to flee back to the stairs up to 900'.

    Injured but alive I scouted 900', not seeing any enemies that would force me to use more healing, and I passed back over the stair just as an Ururauko came up. I must have tapped to move into it; its return swing killed me cleanly.


    • wobbly
      • May 2012
      • 2577

      Grace looks quite low for getting this to work without serious will/grace boosts on gear. Not sure how much will a late game rauko has but I assume it's got more than you do.


      • Quirk
        • Mar 2016
        • 461

        Originally posted by wobbly
        Grace looks quite low for getting this to work without serious will/grace boosts on gear. Not sure how much will a late game rauko has but I assume it's got more than you do.
        Ah, if I'd only waited a day or two. Was hoping for your input. I had about 15K XP to spend and nothing in Song and Will only up to about 5 or so. What would you have recommended?


        • wobbly
          • May 2012
          • 2577

          I'm glad you didn't because I'd read the post & was unsure myself. Harder when you're not playing, as you don't have a feel for what is working & what's creaking. Looks like you had the stealth & just lost concentration? I guess I would of gone for sneaking & sleeping? Maybe looked for a helm of defiance & used the staff. There's also sceptres of power if they still exist though they seem rare.


          • Quirk
            • Mar 2016
            • 461

            Originally posted by wobbly
            I'm glad you didn't because I'd read the post & was unsure myself. Harder when you're not playing, as you don't have a feel for what is working & what's creaking. Looks like you had the stealth & just lost concentration? I guess I would of gone for sneaking & sleeping? Maybe looked for a helm of defiance & used the staff. There's also sceptres of power if they still exist though they seem rare.
            I was somewhat unlucky - I had high enough Stealth not to normally be too worried but on 950' Draugluin opened a door a couple of spaces from where I was and mauled me seriously before I could get up to Sprinting speed. Then back on 900' I had the Ururauko pop up the stairs in an empty corridor the turn I arrived at them and I didn't react quickly enough to it.

            I thought about sleeping pretty hard but having had quite a lot of experience with it on the pacifist runs, I don't think I'd have been able to take the throneroom with it. I was only just able to get to the level that Lorien starts to really be useful for lower depths, and I don't think I could have put Morgoth to sleep. Grace limitations would also have been a significant factor with that strategy.

            I am wondering if Slumber/Majesty staves need a wee bit of a buff now that Channeling no longer grants +5 Will; having Will in excess of all the monsters is a bit tricky at lower levels.


            • wobbly
              • May 2012
              • 2577

              I think staff of slumber actually has a big penalty on it? You could perhaps remove it. Anyway I can see you'd been killing wolves. Wolfbane is a big bonus as Morgoth's doggy is probably the worst to sneak past. You just need the will to get through unaware Morgoth & you can sing silence with the staff.

