Did you guys ever have such a fun character that you used debug to save from death?

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  • Guest

    Did you guys ever have such a fun character that you used debug to save from death?

    My current charachter had “died” about 2/3 times but he’s too fun to let go he is a brawler with a Feanorian lamp of True Sight a battle axe of Nargothrond and Rauko bane (these 3 have Balrgos flleing on sight) he also has 59 health thanks to two artefacts (necklace of dwarves, mail corselet of Fingon I think)

    I am going to beat the game for the first time with this charachter (though cheating takes a lot of the satisfaction out of it) because he is so fun amd I do not want to let him go
  • Gwarl
    • Jan 2017
    • 988

    My most powerful character ever died when he got blocked into a dead end corridor by a grotesque without a digger. I was 40xp short of taking song of freedom after buying the prereqs. I slowly starved to death. It was the worst thing.

    I couldn't play a dead character though. I would know.


    • Guest

      Oh wow, that must sting. When I play dead charachter (i have only done so twice including this time and I done i€™t think I will finish the game or even get a Sil this time) it takes the fun out of it completely, I cheated death so I just get reckless by fighting everything even if it’€™s suicudal. It’s hard to explain it’s like €śI shouldn't€™ be where I am so I’ll just jump head first into everything.€ť The game gets stale quick playing dead character, it takes the excitement out of it because you know you can cheat death again.

      EDIT there is a stupid â showing up where it shouldn’t ignore it I can’t edit it out
      Last edited by Guest; February 21, 2018, 14:15.

