Congratulations on the win, Tyrael!
I'm unaware of there ever being any bugs with chardumps (Angband.Live taking about a day to support recognising the new version wasn't an issue on my end), so if you've seen anything please let me know.
I can take a look at your savefile - I assume (sorry, but I have to check) that this was your very first arrival at 900'? Unfortunately most of the things that would let me know what happened would occur in level generation, so I might not be able to determine precisely what happened without the level generation messages, but I might be able to get something out of it.
Non-guaranteed forges in general are generated at wildly varying rates, this is true in Sil 1.3.0 and has not changed. Once I overhaul the level generation I can look into evening this out, but at the moment, the level generator generates a bunch of rooms and vaults, which may or may not contain forges. If you're lucky, you can get 3 or 4 forges on a level at lower depths. On guaranteed levels I set a flag that should force it to generate at least one forge.
The Song of Delvings feedback is really useful, thanks! The way Delvings works at the moment, growing organically out from things you already know, isn't great for finding forges in wide open spaces (i.e. most forges). I might try to put in some hack that makes Delvings spot them more easily. I was initially worried that having a form of Revelations available all the time might be a bit overpowered, but since there's been no rush on Delvings I'll probably power it up further.
I hope you've been enjoying playing the fork, and if you find anything else funky please let me know.
I'm unaware of there ever being any bugs with chardumps (Angband.Live taking about a day to support recognising the new version wasn't an issue on my end), so if you've seen anything please let me know.
I can take a look at your savefile - I assume (sorry, but I have to check) that this was your very first arrival at 900'? Unfortunately most of the things that would let me know what happened would occur in level generation, so I might not be able to determine precisely what happened without the level generation messages, but I might be able to get something out of it.
Non-guaranteed forges in general are generated at wildly varying rates, this is true in Sil 1.3.0 and has not changed. Once I overhaul the level generation I can look into evening this out, but at the moment, the level generator generates a bunch of rooms and vaults, which may or may not contain forges. If you're lucky, you can get 3 or 4 forges on a level at lower depths. On guaranteed levels I set a flag that should force it to generate at least one forge.
The Song of Delvings feedback is really useful, thanks! The way Delvings works at the moment, growing organically out from things you already know, isn't great for finding forges in wide open spaces (i.e. most forges). I might try to put in some hack that makes Delvings spot them more easily. I was initially worried that having a form of Revelations available all the time might be a bit overpowered, but since there's been no rush on Delvings I'll probably power it up further.
I hope you've been enjoying playing the fork, and if you find anything else funky please let me know.