Staff of Warding

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  • captnamazing
    • Mar 2017
    • 31

    Staff of Warding

    This is probably my favorite staff for all around versatility and gameplay flavor. I'm curious what the limitations on the warding glyph are... I imagine certain uniques like dragons and Throne room baddies could cross the glyph, right?

    Meanwhile, here's a couple ways I love to use the staff of warding:

    On charge/dodge characters... If I get up against a horde of people I can't defeat, I drop a ward in a long hallway then bounce back and forth.

    If they start flanking you, move one space away from your current glyph then take another step and drop a second ward. Now you have a little protective bubble to bounce between and kill people at your leisure!!

    Trapping annoying archer uniques!!
    Pulled this off last night. I couldn't catch the Gatekeeper archer cat unique, so I led him into a smallish room then sealed the two exits. The long chase came to a gruesome end when he realized he could run no longer.

    Glyphs of warding also factor into the procedural generation of this game... and I think that is SUPER COOL.

    Last night I found a Ringrauko on floor 500' imprisoned by 9 ward glyphs. Who had done that??? So many questions, and only my trusty longsword to extract answers...

    Share your Staff of Warding stories!
  • Pete Mack
    • Apr 2007
    • 6697

    No monster can cross the glyph. Monsters can break them, with a level-dependent chance each attempt.


    • wobbly
      • May 2012
      • 2577

      Pretty sure in Sil it's actually Will dependent. The unique cats for instance still have a lot of trouble despite being quite deep. Anyway was playing with 1 today & they can be weird because of how the AI paths. For instance Belegweth can quite easily walk through 1 as if it's not even there but won't try if he can find an alternative path.

