Dead to Smaug! (question on dragons in general)

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  • captnamazing
    • Mar 2017
    • 31

    Dead to Smaug! (question on dragons in general)

    I came across Smaug! Floor 750'. I was doing VERY well, until I opened the vault the second time and made a dash for Smaug's treasure. He tranced me, hit me once, then as I ran to escape he toasted me.

    I got greedy... and now I'm dead!

    Smaug seems like a terrible opponent to fight... is it even worth going after him? I guess he was also pretty out of depth, but that breath attack is NASTY!

    In fact, I'm wondering about dragons in general. Will 15 will be enough to save my skin at those later depths?
  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    Smaug is fast. Generally I won't fight him without using a quickness potion. Free Action is +10 will against entrancement. You'll want enough will/fa not to get entranced, not sure how much that is, you can look at his will if you have lore-master. Shields & sources of rfire help against the breath damage. Generally want healing consumables too. For dragons in general you'll want a source of clarity against the cold drakes & a source of resist fear unless your will is pretty high.


    • Pete Mack
      • Apr 2007
      • 6697

      At 750', no way. At or near native depth, sure, so long as you have double resistance and a source of speed--and either a good bow or an excellent weapon. Smaug and friends are pretty high value targets.
      With single resist Scatha and Itangast at full strength do 244 damage. Smaug does 266. With double resist it's 1/3 that, but they can still get you with a curse spell.


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2577

        Originally posted by Pete Mack
        At 750', no way. At or near native depth, sure, so long as you have double resistance and a source of speed--and either a good bow or an excellent weapon. Smaug and friends are pretty high value targets.
        With single resist Scatha and Itangast at full strength do 244 damage. Smaug does 266. With double resist it's 1/3 that, but they can still get you with a curse spell.
        It's Sil not vanilla. 20d4 at range 1 & 17 will with 1 source of FA


        • ripforareason
          • Dec 2016
          • 84

          I think that's 200' or 250' out of depth, so fighting him at 750 would not be recommended. If you wanted to do it, you'd want to have a free action source, use a full set of str/con/dex/gra/quick, and use Flanking. It's good to have a fire resist item and also use elemental resistance to get up to rF++ so that you take less damage from breath attacks.


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            Alternatively an archer with a long corridor & resist fear+fa. If you've got the stealth to setup & a staff of warding he'll break through a ward but it'll take him too long to break through 2 wards, by then you'll have filled him full of arrows.


            • Infinitum
              • Oct 2013
              • 319

              Originally posted by captnamazing
              DEATH TO SMAUG!
              ftfy. Get to it, then tell us of your exploits.

