support for additional pacifist ways to beat the game?

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  • Antoine
    Ironband/Quickband Maintainer
    • Nov 2007
    • 955

    Song of Beguiling, then?
    Ironband -


    • Infinitum
      • Oct 2013
      • 319

      Song of Lorien got you covered.

      Then suddenly she eluded his sight, and out of the shadows began a song of such surpassing loveliness, and of such blinding power, that he listened perforce; and a blindness came upon him, as his eyes roamed to and fro, seeking her.

      All his court were cast down in slumber, and all the fires faded and were quenched; but the Silmarils in the crown on Morgoth's head blazed forth suddenly with a radiance of white flame; and the burden of that crown and of the jewels bowed down his head, as though the world were set upon it, laden with a weight of care, of fear, and of desire, that even the will of Morgoth could not support. Then LĂșthien catching up her winged robe sprang into the air, and her voice came dropping down like rain into pools, profound and dark. She cast her cloak before his eyes, and set upon him a dream, dark as the outer Void where once he walked alone.

      Suddenly he fell, as a hill sliding in avalanche, and hurled like thunder from his throne lay prone upon the floors of hell. The iron crown rolled echoing from his head. All things were still.


      • ebering
        • Mar 2017
        • 12

        You can't get the crown with ?blasting or _earthquakes in vanilla or mpa 1.3.0.

        You can't Elbereth V in 1.3.0.

        Mastery only skips a monster turn, no EV penalty.

        I've been hacking on sil recently (thread forthcoming). In ebering-sil earthquaking Morgoth works correctly. (Sad news: I also fixed a bug where monsters didn't get their protection applied to earthquakes.)

        It would be easy enough to add a mastery crown drop. Might make a mastery skip count as a "hit", with two hits required for the crown.

        Since Morgoth is immune to both fear and Elbereth he is like an H and will not flee. I'm not sure him dropping his crown out of cowardice fits the lore.


        • Infinitum
          • Oct 2013
          • 319

          Originally posted by ebering
          Since Morgoth is immune to both fear and Elbereth he is like an H and will not flee. I'm not sure him dropping his crown out of cowardice fits the lore.
          Originally posted by Of the ruin of Beleriand and the fall of Fingolfin
          Thus [Fingolfin] came alone to Angband's gates, and he sounded his horn, and smote once more upon the brazen doors, and challenged Morgoth to come forth to single combat. And Morgoth came.

          That was the last time in those wars that he passed the doors of his stronghold, and it is said that he took not the challenge willingly; for though his might was greatest of all things in this world, alone of the Valar he knew fear. But he could not now deny the challenge before the face of his captains; for the rocks rang with the shrill music of Fingolfin's horn, and his voice came keen and clear down into the depths of Angband; and Fingolfin named Morgoth craven, and lord of slaves.
          Eh. Could make for a fun win.

