beginner question: stat loss

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  • mibert
    • Mar 2016
    • 57

    beginner question: stat loss

    Hey all,

    I was wondering if you guys could share your strategy regarding stat loss.
    How do you avoid it and how do you cure it?
    Early game (<400ft) that is. Thanks!
    I usually have quite some trouble with it.
  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    I tend to avoid wraiths unless I have FA & a long bow. They're territorial and won't follow you if you break los. Light and keen senses help spotting them. Stat potions and herb of restoration restore. Easiest way is loremaster.


    • wobbly
      • May 2012
      • 2577

      If we're talking dart traps, they bounce off heavy armour guys. If you're perception is reasonable it can be worth waiting a couple of turns to search (+5 for wait, I think?? would have to check) in the maze where they're pretty common.


      • taptap
        • Jan 2013
        • 677

        A few points in will can help as well.

        Lembas cures grace drain.

        Cursed rings and amulets are another way to lose stats, but either the ability or sanctity staffs can uncurse them so you can take them off.
        Last edited by taptap; April 30, 2016, 11:17.


        • seraph
          • Jan 2016
          • 120

          those cursed rings and amulets can actually prevent further stat loss. so even if you uncurse it, it can be worth keeping on in your inventory until you find <+0> or better. switch to gear with sustains when dealing with wraiths, disarming dart traps and consuming unidentified herbs and potions.


          • Infinitum
            • Oct 2013
            • 319

            Boost will by a few points when first encountering wraiths. Remember they resist critical hits; 2-handers tend to kill them before they get the chance to drain you.


            • wobbly
              • May 2012
              • 2577

              Originally posted by Infinitum
              Boost will by a few points when first encountering wraiths. Remember they resist critical hits; 2-handers tend to kill them before they get the chance to drain you.
              This is true. However the number of times I've gotten unlucky and drained anyway over what is probably only a small amount of xp, unless it's a barrow wight guarding good stuff or I have ridiculous will I'd still rather avoid them unless I can scum with bow or glaive.

