So I'm currently down at 800', which is about as deep as I've managed so far. I'm feeling pretty strong at the moment, but I don't really know what to expect between where I am and the throne room. Am I strong enough to just dive down to 950' and farm there for a bit, or should I work on improving something first? I've been trying to use as little spoilers as possible so my first win is rewarding, but now that I'm getting pretty deep and feeling semi-confident a little nudge in the right direction is welcomed. I've seen some of debo's videos, but I only allow myself to see the first few minutes of each playthrough to check out the starting builds. The rest of the game I've been attempting to die my way through on my own for the most part.
Furthest I've gotten so far
Well I was antsy to keep playing, so I didn't wait for a response and dove down to 950'. It's been quite the ride so far, and I've danced with death with death multiple times. I've blown through nearly all my healing and status curing consumables taking out a handful of uniques in some really scary battles. Thankfully I've kept a bunch of swap items for beefing up resists when needed. Ended up picking up song of the trees when I bumped into Shelob since I figured she was gonna do a lot of darkness damage, and wasn't sure I could handle her without it. I've been hoping to find some some more impressive equipment, but at this point I'd be happy just to find some fatty stacks of healing potions.
Updated ladder post for anyone interest on giving some helpful tips : -
How do I actually get a Sil out of the crown? I'm in the throne room now, and I've managed to knock the crown off his head. It's pretty clear that I'm not going to be able to actually kill him, especially with my limited consumables, but I'm not even sure what button to press to try to get a silmaril and high tail it out of there.Comment
'k' for me.
That is standard command in Angband for 'destroy'. If you walk over the crown the game will display the instructions. It didn't used to be that way, but they implemented that in some such version. I had difficulty with this crown/silmaril-cutting concept too! Good luck man!You are on something strangeComment
Thanks, that must have been the only button on the goddamn keyboard I didn't try, because I was expecting it to squelch lol.
I don't think the game ever gave me any instructions. If so, I simply didn't notice it. Not sure what I was supposed to see.
I got one out of the crown, and blew all but 1 of my healing consumables making it back to the stairs (I ended up smacking him in the top left corner attempting to avoid having to deal with a couple of Unrelenting Horrors).
Sadly the conclusion to this game is going to have to wait a bit as I'm kinda busy for the rest of the dayCan't wait to see what the ascent is like.
Cool. I think it only displays once, but I can't recall... Maybe the moment when you knock the crown off. I tend to play too fast, to sort of simulate the excitement of battle, even though it's turn based. In any case, fighting Morgoth is so tense anyway that missing some random message scrawl at the top is easy to do.You are on something strangeComment
Thanks to everyone who helped post on my ladder, I just got my first win! I barely spent any time in the throne room. I bashed on troll guards long enough for Morgoth to come near the stairs, smacked him a few times to knock his crown off, cut a Silmaril out with Anglachel, and turned and ran like a bitch.
The ascent was a lot more difficult than I expected it to be, and almost got cornered a few times, but the game luckily was giving me just enough healing and food consumables to scrape my way through. I had to jump into a chasm once, and had to take some stairs down a few levels on a few occasions when Morgoth was hot on my heels and I had no idea if an upstairs was close enough to warrant the risk. I'm not sure if it's by design, but I definitely seemed to find way more upstairs while making my way down, and way more downstairs making my way up. Perhaps it was just the tension of the situation making it feel that way. I was a bit nervous about Carcharoth, but he dropped without really doing much damage to me. I actually spent quite a few minutes running around on the surface having no idea how to end the game. I kept running around breaking through rubble expecting to find a staircase somewhere, and eventually face palmed when I accidentally walked out.Comment